Full Council
Meeting held in the Board Room, Perton Civic Centre
Contact the Parish Council for a copy of this agenda
Minutes of the meeting of Perton Parish Council held at
Perton Civic Centre on Monday 10th February 2020
Present: Councillors D Glynn (Vice- Chairman), AA Bourke, R Bradley, N Caine, P Davis,
K Elder, Mrs R Heseltine, Mrs A James, C Rathbone, J Sherlock, Mrs B Walters
Also present: Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
PCSO A Tooth (part of the meeting)
Members of the public – Three
Cllr D Glynn chaired the meeting
No questions raised from the public present.
7.00pm The Chairman imposed standing orders.
Apologies for absence received and accepted from Cllrs, Mrs P Allen, Mrs L Dew, J Turner and Ms S Wilkes
213/19 POLICE MATTERS AND REPORTS – Verbal report from PCSO Tooth
There were four burglaries – three domestic property disputes. Two vehicles were broken into and 1 had the fuel syphoned off.
There were nine reports of ASB, six of which were from one resident. A trained professional is dealing with this issue.
Cannabis was confiscated off two youths following a stop and search.
A nominal (not from Perton) has been arrested with links to car key thefts.
Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest received for the following agenda items;
217/19c Perton First School grant – Cllr Mrs R Heseltine
217/19c Perton Library – Cllrs P Davis and K Elder
217/19d Perton Carnival – Cllrs Mrs Heseltine and Mrs B Walters
Chq 100293 – PPFA members – Cllrs N Caine, P Davis, K Elder, D Glynn, Mrs R Heseltine,
C Rathbone and J Sherlock
No requests received.
216/19 MINUTES
a) Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th January 2020, previously distributed, were a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
b) Resolved that the minutes of the Precept Meeting held on 20th January 2020, previously distributed, were a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
c) Draft minutes of the Management Committee held on 5th February were noted for information.
217/19 FINANCE
a) Draft minutes of the Finance Committee held on 4th February 2020, together with income statement and budget to date were noted for information.
Payments made since the last Parish Council meeting.
Date Cheque No. Description Total £
02/01/20 DD Ash Waste 130.20
02/01/20 SO Kaleidescope 30.00
02/01/20 DD South Staffordshire Council 1,412.00
03/01/20 100288 John Ellis Associates Ltd 300.00
06/01/20 100289 Connect Pages 120.00
08/01/20 100290 Assa Abloy 381.36
14/01/20 100292 Thyssenkrupp Elevator UK Ltd 208.80
14/01/20 100291 MGD Solutions 196.00
14/01/20 100293 Perton Playing Fields Association (Grant) 2,000.00
15/01/20 100294 Banner Fire & Security 264.00
17/01/20 DD BT 32.01
17/01/20 BACS Halls SMS 129.47
17/01/20 BACS Inland Revenue M09 2,613.13
17/01/20 BACS Staffordshire County Council – Pension M09 3,026.36
17/01/20 100295 ESPO 236.07
20/01/20 DD CNG 768.07
21/01/20 DD Npower 703.94
24/01/20 100298 Acquiesce Environmental Compliance Ltd 168.00
24/01/20 BACS Arts Alive – Flicks in the Sticks 300.00
24/01/20 DD Waterplus 270.80
24/01/20 100297 G K Beaulagh 348.60
24/01/20 100296 Edge IT Systems 680.40
30/01/20 BACS Screwfix – (R Hodgetts) 1,065.52
30/01/20 BACS Members Allowance month 10 1,032.95
30/01/20 BACS Salary Month 10 10,045.24
Month End Total £26462.92
Perton First School – Resolved to approve the grant of £269.85 following confirmation from the SPCA that this is legal under s137.
Perton Day Care Centre – Resolved to approve a grant of £600.
Perton Library – Resolved to approve expenditure to the value of £416.35 to support the voluntary community archaeology group, Archaeology in Mind (AiM). Perton Parish Council to purchase and donate to the project.
Resolved to approve room hire free of charge for Perton Carnival to be held on Friday 8th May 2020.
a) No report received from the County Councillor.
b) Traffic Management of Jenny Walkers Lane, A454 and A41 was discussed. Resolved Clerk to contact Staffordshire Highways to formally request that they look at the following suggestions to alleviate the traffic issues at peak times.
• Install a ghost lane, Wrottesley Park Road
• Install an island at the junction of Jenny Walkers Lane/Pattingham Road
• Install an island at the junction of Jenny Walkers Lane/A454 Bridgnorth Road
• Create a third exit from Perton
Removal of the traffic lights on the left filter lane at the junction of Jenny Walkers lane/A454 was also discussed. Councillors were not sure this was a suitable option as vehicles would be filtering onto a busy A road.
a) District Councillor reports were accepted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
b) District Council footpath maintenance, Resolved to contact the District Council to remind them formally that they have a duty to maintain the crushed brick paths in Perton especially at Penk Meadow.
c) Wild flower verges along Wrottesley Park Road was discussed. There is a small section approximately halfway between the A41 junction and the north outer island, Wrottesley Park Road that is wide enough to be a trial area, other areas are too narrow. This project could take 5 – 10 years to properly develop.
d) Local Plan Review flooding issues. No further update from the Flood Risk Officer. Clerk to continue pursuing
Report accepted for information; copy attached to these minutes.
Nothing further to update. Clerk to look at funding opportunities as soon as possible.
a) An update was presented to the Council. Due to a clash of meetings it was requested that the Clerk look at having an electronic diary that all councillors can access. Resolved Clerk to investigate. This will only be considered if it does not add additional work for the Parish office, to report back to Full Council.
b) A Pre-application has been completed for the installation of lighting. Resolved Councillors agree the application can be submitted, there is no cost to the Parish Council. A full consultation will be required before any installation.
An update was given, 30 trees have been planted to date.
A speaker has been provisionally booked for Friday May 29th to talk about composting and its benefits. Resolved the Parish Council will cover the £70 fee and provide the hall free of charge. The District Council will support this where possible.
Specification costs for the design of the site have been received from one company at a costs of £5,400. Resolved Clerk to obtain further quotes.
An update was presented to the Council. A representative from the library has joined the working party and helping with some of the planned events.
Following discussion and subsequent votes, 9 councillors were in favour of delaying a decision, Councillors N Caine and P Davis voted against. Resolved to add this item to the Precept meeting in January 2021.
On the advice of District Council this item should be moved to confidential. Resolved to move as per Standing Order 10a xi.
Resolved to enter the competition for 2020
Monday 9th March 2020, 7.00pm
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be now excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that the publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest.
Resolved to accept the policy as previously distributed. Rosettes and armbands to be purchased
Meeting closed at 8.36pm
Crime & Disorder Implications Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998
Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: 10th March 2020
Agenda item 219/19 a)
District Councillor reports
Verbal report from Cllr Mrs R Heseltine – Member for Lakeside Ward of SSDC
Since the last parish council meeting, I have attended the following:
2 Cabinet meetings
4 informal Cabinet meetings
1 Licensing and Regulatory meeting
2 Lead member briefings
Overview and Scrutiny meeting
Planning Committee meeting preceded by some s106 training
Local Planning Workshop
2 Challenge Panel meetings – Your Place where our brief is looking at planning enforcement
S.E. Staffs and Seisdon Peninsula CCG locality board meeting
A Wellbeing Select Committee meeting where we received an update on the breast screening service. I am pleased to say that since we had a breast screening unit based at the District Council Offices, the uptake from all local practices has increased. This just shows the need for a locally based facility – a situation which will be reviewed ready for the next round of breast screening.
Verbal report from Cllr P Davis – Member for Perton Dippons Ward of SSDC
Standards and Resources Committee
Overview and Scrutiny
\planning Training re:s106
Your Council Challenge Panel – Council Planning
Verbal report from Cllr AA Bourke – Member for Perton East Ward of SSDC
16th January 2020 – Standards and Resources Committee meeting
Very interesting discussions regarding the District Councils Workforce Employment Trends and The Corporate Health and Safety update.
21st January 202 – Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting
Main discussion was the 5 year Financial Term Strategy. For the first time as a District Councillor I could not vote to approve their plan mainly because of the impending charges for Green Waste where it appears the Council are looking to not just cover the costs of service but appear to be making a healthy profit from residents who will be paying for this service.
30th January 2020 – Local Plan Seminar
After the last consultation, workshops are now continuing regarding future housing plans. This workshop was about what benefits we should be expecting from housing growth, for example, improvements in Highways, Health and Education. The next workshop is on the ‘Duty to Co-operate’.
Verbal report from Cllr N Caine – Member for Perton Lakeside Ward of SSDC
Reported 11 potholes and 12 faulty streetlights
Agenda item 220/19
Clerks’ Report
Email Distribution
SPCA weekly bulletins: January 13th, 16th, 24th, 31st
SSDC Council news round up: 150, 151, 152, 153
13/01/20 Staffordshire Police – PCSO changes
14/01/20 PPFA precept request
14/01/20 Staffordshire Police Chief Inspector response to concerns and invitation to Parish meeting
14/01/20 Dudley’s draft revised CIL regulation public consultation. Further details available from the Clerk’s office
Other Matters
• Pot hole reported at traffic calming
• Repairs have been carried out to the stage backdrop
• Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council – draft public consultation on the revised CIL regulation 123 list. Further details available from the Clerk’s office
• A 5 year contract renewed for the finance package, Edge IT systems after researching alternative options
• Re-declaration for workplace pensions has been completed, no changes. This is completed every three years after the original staging date (01/01/17)
• Complaint forwarded to South Staffs Housing Association regarding resident driving across grass verge
• Copyright permission given by Severn Homes to reproduce their maps for the Reserved Matters planning application, Wrottesley Road West. PPC comments forwarded to South Staffordshire Council
• Staffordshire County Council Highways Department have responded to the Wrottesley Park Road Development with numerous concerns. SSDC to consult with PPC again when amended plans are available
• Closing date for Citizen of the Year nominations is 28th February 2020
• The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has advised that the appropriate sum for the purpose of section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 for parish and town councils in England for 2020-21 is £8.32
• Staffordshire County Council have no record of s106 Highway money being received
• Library defibrillator has been returned
• SSDC Council news weekly round ups
• SCC Library information
• Tool Theft from Vans
On-going matters
1. Lower Lake de-silting 2. Civic Centre Renewable Energy
3. Allotments 4. Bus shelter – Kingswood
5. Skatepark