Cllr. Keith Elder
Councillor for Perton Lakeside Ward
Member of the following Committees:
HR Committee
Perton Playing Fields working party
Youth working party
Register of interests
I have lived in Perton since 1982. I am married to Helene with two grown up children. I have two grandchildren who attend Perton schools. I am a Carer.
I was elected to the Parish Council in 2018 and served as Chairman for 2 years from 2021 to 2023. Currently I am Chairman of the Planning Committee and a member of the Human Resources, Management and the Perton Jubilee Allotment Committees. I volunteered to join the Playing Fields Working Party when the Parish Council took over management of the playing fields last year. Last year I organised a visit to Perton from serving members of the Royal Dutch Prinses Irene Regiment to commemorate the Dutch forces that were based at Wrottesley Park during World War 2.
I believe local community organisations are the life blood of a thriving community. I supported the setting up of Perton Cuppa Club and now volunteer as their Treasurer.
I am enthusiastic about our local environment and founded Wild About Perton in 2006 and organised Perton Spring Festival for 13 years. I get my hands dirty by volunteering to plant trees, plant wildflowers and spring bulbs. I lead a local citizen science team which monitors the River Penk in Perton for the Environment Agency.
Libraries are at risk with declining funds; and I believe it is vital that local people speak up for Perton Library. In 2018 I helped set up Friends of Perton Library, which has raised over £5,000 towards various Library initiatives including a community noticeboard outside the Perton Library, the annual Science Fair and History Fairs, and a recent Perton Men in Sheds initiative.