Full Council
meeting held in Perton Civic Centre
53/21 – Public Open Session
Time for this session is limited to 30 minutes as per Standing Order number 3F. Members of the Public are invited to address the Parish Council (limited to 3 minutes per person as per Standing Order number 3G)
54/21 – To receive apologies for absence
55/21 – Police Matters
a) To receive for information monthly Police Report
b) Chairman to report on conversation with Police & Fire Commissioner Ben Adams plus South Staffordshire Chief Inspector Dave Wain. Site meeting arranged for 1pm Wednesday 29th September.
56/21 – Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
- To receive Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests from the Agenda
57/21 – Code of Conduct
a) To approve requests for Code of Conduct Dispensations. (A request for a dispensation must be made in writing to the Clerk and be granted by decision of the Council)
58/21 – Minutes
To approve minutes for the Parish Council meeting held on 14th June 2021
To receive for information draft minutes from the following committees/working parties:
Youth working party held 6th September 2021
Human Resources Committee held 7th September 2021
Finance Committee held 8th September 2021
59/21 – Finance
- To approve list of Payments for approval July & August 2021
- To receive the Cash Book to date for information
- The receive the Income Statement to date for information
- To receive the Expenditure and Budget to Date for information
- To discuss purchase of dedicated .gov councillor emails, GDPR regulations – £3.80 per month, per councillor
- To discuss concessionary room rate applications:
- Windmill Community Church, 9.00am – 5.00pm 9th October 2021
- Perton Christmas Fair Committee 8.00 – 5.00pm 4th December 2021
- External Audit report – For information , no issues raised
60/21 – Planting Schemes – To discuss and agree any contributions:
- additional planting to north Inner and outer road traffic islands
- Woodland Trust/Black Poplar planting scheme
61/21 – Staffordshire County Council
- Chairman to report on the informal walk around Perton with County Councillor
- To receive and discuss the report from County Councillor
- To discuss holding a public meeting regarding the chicane at Severn Drive
- To discuss possibilities of 3rd exit for Perton
62/21 – South Staffordshire Council
- To receive reports from District Councillors for information
63/21 – Policies
- To agree the schedule of review for policies
b) for review and amend where necessary – no amendments recommended
- Freedom of Information/Publication Scheme
- High Consequence infectious Disease
- Business continuity
64/21 – Reports – to receive the following reports for information.
- Weekly Clerks Reports
- Environmental Report
- Children’s Play Area annual inspection
- Hot Water/heating update
65/21– Anders Square
- To discuss the possibility of installing new CCTV cameras
- To receive an update on the parking charges advertised on Sainsburys car parks
- Christmas Tree – to discuss purchase, installation and dressing costs of the 22ft tree
66/21 – Queens Diamond Jubilee
To discuss how the Parish Council wish to commemorate this event – June 2022
67/21 – Date and time of next meeting
Full Council Meeting of Perton Parish Council – 11th October 2021 at 7pm, Perton Civic Centre.
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest.
68/21 – Staffing
To agree staffing structure and recruitment as proposed by the HR Committee
Crime & Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998, places a duty on a local authority to consider crime and disorder implications and to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions and to do all that it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area.
Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
We kindly request that all councillors and members of the public planning to attend, take a lateral flow test prior to arrival. In the event of a positive result please do not attend, instead follow Government advice.
Hand sanitising and social distancing measures will be in place. Masks will be mandatory unless a valid exemption applies.