Full Council
8th December 2021
Dear Councillor
You are summoned to the Meeting of Perton Parish Council, to be held in the Lakeside Hall, Perton Civic Centre on Monday, 13th December 2021 at 7.00pm.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Becky Hodgetts,
Clerk to the Council
All persons attending this meeting are hereby notified that this meeting will be recorded by the Parish Council to assist the Parish Clerk in the compilation of minutes. The recording will be deleted once the minutes have been approved
114/21 – Public Open Session
Time for this session is limited to 30 minutes as per Standing Order number 3F. Members of the Public are invited to address the Parish Council (limited to 3 minutes per person as per Standing Order number 3G).
115/21 – Apologies
To receive and note apologies for absence
116/21 – Police, Fire and Crime reports
- To receive for information monthly Police Report
- Ben Adams, Police Fire & Crime Commissioner, notes for meeting held 17th November 2021
- Partner discussion Forums and Police Liaison nomination
- To discuss inviting the new Chief Constable Chris Noble to a locality 4 meeting
117/21 – Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
To receive Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests from the Agenda
118/21 – Code of Conduct
- To approve requests for Code of Conduct Dispensations. (A request for a dispensation must be made in writing to the Clerk and be granted by decision of the Council)
- To discuss the South Staffordshire Council Code of Conduct consultation
119/21 – Minutes
- To approve minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th November 2021
- To receive for information draft minutes from the following committees/working parties:
Management Committee held on 24th November 2021
Finance meeting held on 7th December 2021
120/21 – Finance
- To approve list of Payments for approval November 2021
- To receive the Cash Book to date for information
- The receive the Income Statement to date for information
- To receive the Expenditure and Budget to date for information
- To appoint an internal auditor for 2021/22 – Black Rose Solutions Ltd £30 per hour + 45p per mile
- To discuss donation of £500 to Lakeside Community Church towards the installation of a hearing loop as recommended by the Management Committee
- Concessionary room hire – Senior Citizens Tea Group
- Christmas meals – to discuss the provision of approximately 50 Christmas meals to the lonely and vulnerable provided by Café29 at a cost of £7.75 per meal(total £387.50) funded from the Covid grants received balance of £2753.47
- Hot water/heating – to approve the costs for necessary works to the heating/hot water system
121/21 – South Staffordshire Council
- To receive reports from District Councillors for information
- Boundary Review – to discuss submission from Perton Parish Council
- Planning Applications for consideration previously distributed:
Application Ref: 21/01244/FUL
Location: 8 Cunningham Road, Perton, WV6 7XJ
Proposed: Proposed single storey extension to side and rear
Application Ref: 21/01277/FUL
Location: 10 Fowler Close, Perton, WV6 7YQ
Proposed: Proposed double storey side and single storey rear extensions
Application Ref: 21/01270/FUL
Location: Hillside, Newport Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AJ
Proposed: Proposed rear two storey extension and detached garage, demolition of existing garage
Application Ref: 21/01279/FUL
Location: 5 Itchen Grove, Perton, WV6 7QY
Proposed: Proposed single storey side and rear extension and new porch to front
Planning Applications returned since last meeting:
Application no. : 21/01159/FUL
Location: Hunterswood, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV6 7HD
Proposed: Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension, Double and Single Storey Front Extensions, First Floor Side Extension and New Basement Level
Comments: No objections were received.
- Validation Guidance Consultation – 8th December to 19th January 2022
122/21 – Staffordshire County Council
- To receive and discuss the report from County Councillor
- Flooding – Pump House, Dippons Lane update
- Highway issues – update
- To discuss the Health & Safety options provided by Staffordshire County Council.
123/21 – Reports – to receive the following reports for information.
- Weekly Clerks Reports
- Environmental Report
- Wild Trout Trust – funded through Environment Agency via Wild About Perton.
- Hot Water/heating update
124/21 – Perton Playing Fields Association – to discuss assistance from the Parish Council for the following:
- Insurance costs
- Maintenance of the pavilion
- cost of the defibrillator
125/21 – Community Events – to consider
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
- Commonwealth Games 28th July to 8th August 2022
- Community litter picking 2022 – 15th January, 5th March, 7th May, 9th July, 3rd September, 5th November
126/21 – Date and time of next meeting
Full Council Meeting of Perton Parish Council – 10th January 2022 at 7pm, Perton Civic Centre.
Precept meeting – 17th January 2022 at 7pm, Perton Civic Centre.
Crime & Disorder Implications
Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998, places a duty on a local authority to consider crime and disorder implications and to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions and to do all that it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder in its area. Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
Councillors and Members of the Public are invited to stay for Christmas refreshments |
Minutes of the meeting of Perton Parish Council, held at Perton Civic Centre on Monday 13th December 2021, 7.00pm
Councillors Mrs P Allen , N Caine, P Davis , Mrs L Dew, K Elder (Chairman), D Glynn (Vice- Chairman),
Mrs R Heseltine, Mrs A James, C Rathbone, J Sherlock, J Turner, Mrs B Walters
Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
Assistant Parish Clerk Mrs L Higgins
Members of the public – 3
PCSO A Tooth (part of meeting)
The Chairman addressed the meeting to inform that the NALC has suggested that December meetings be cancelled. The decision to continue with the meeting was taken as there were important items that required a decision due to the time scale.
The Council were thanked for arranging for the green areas to be cut, however could we keep them like this!. The resident was informed that negotiations were on-going with the District Council.
Apologies received and noted from Cllr AA Bourke and R Bradley.
- A written report received from PCSO S Fryer was made available for members.
PCSO Tooth apologised that he would be late attending the meeting, therefore this item was deferred until his arrival.
- Ben Adams, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, notes from 17th November 2021, to be forwarded to the members.
- SSDC Partner Discussions Forums and Police Liaison nomination. Resolved to nominate Cllrs K Elder and N Caine.
- Chief Constable Chris Noble has taken up his new post and it is suggested that he be invited to a locality 4 meeting, it is important to show that we are interested in what happens and take an active part, even though it may take a while to arrange. Resolved Clerk to issue an invite.
Declaration of other interest received from the following:
- Agenda item 120/21 a) payments for approval transaction 4470 & 4480 – Cllr K Elder
- Agenda item 120/21 f) donation to Lakeside Community Church – Cllr N Caine
- Agenda item 120/21 g) concessionary room rate – Cllr Mrs A James
- Agenda item 124/21 Perton Playing Fields Association – Cllrs N Caine, Mrs R Heseltine, P Davis, Mrs P Allen, C Rathbone, K. Elder, Mrs L Dew, D Glynn
- No request for dispensation received.
- South Staffordshire Council Code of Conduct consultation was discussed. It was thought that the main focus was on the questions relating to use of social media. Resolved to encourage members to complete the consultation.
119/21 – MINUTES
- Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th November 2021 were amended to correct a spelling issue and then agreed as a true and correct record.
- Noted for information the draft minutes of the following committees:
- Management Committee held 24th November 2021
- Finance Committee held 7th December 2021
120/21 – FINANCE
- Paid Expenditure Transactions between paid between 01/11/21 and 30/11/21
Resolved payments approved.
Reference Paid date Tn no Order Gross Cttee Details Heading
DD ASH11 01/11/21 4464 £237.60 CC Ash Waste General & Recycle Waste
DD ICO 01/11/21 4465 £35.00 PPC Information Commission Renewal
DD Rates11 01/11/21 4466 £1,435.00 CC South Staffordshire Council Rates –
Bacs Halls11 02/11/21 4467 £83.88 CC Halls SMS Centre Feed & Hand towels
Bacs DTE11 10/11/21 4468 £108.00 PPC Down to Earth Grass Cutting to playarea
Bacs 10/11/21 4469 £100.00 CC Refunded Deposit 16/10/21
Bacs 10/11/21 4470 £300.00 PPC Perton Crafters’ Too Grant
Bacs 10/11/21 4471 £500.00 PPC Perton First School Grant
Bacs PEN11 12/11/21 4472 £2,983.94 Staffordshire County Pension – Oct
Bacs IR11 12/11/21 4473 £2,865.78 Inland Revenue Tax & NI – October
Bacs 15/11/21 4475 £55.72 PPC Brightpay Monthly Subscription X 5
Bacs 15/11/21 4476 £150.00 PPC Staffordshire County Website Hosting
Bacs Concept 15/11/21 4477 £48.00 CC Concept Elevators Annual Contract
Bacs FLP11 15/11/21 4478 £168.00 PPC Fenland Leisure Products Ltd Play Area Safety Surface
Bacs 15/11/21 4479 £100.00 CC Refunded Deposit 30/10/21
Bacs JJS11 15/11/21 4480 £210.00 PPC JJS Garden Services Clearance works Traffic island refund by Wild About Perton
Bacs 17/11/21 4481 £50.00 CC Refunded Deposit13/11/21
Bacs GAS11 22/11/21 4482 £565.23 CC Contract Natural Gas Ltd Gas October
Bacs AE11 22/11/21 4483 £84.00 CC Acquiesce Environmental legionella monitoring & Testing
Bacs Halls11b 22/11/21 4484 £87.50 CC Halls SMS Toilet Rolls
100333 23/11/21 4474 £40.00 PPC Royal British Legion 2 Remembrance Wreaths
Bacs 23/11/21 4485 £33.61 CC Amazon First Aid kit wall brackets /sticker /water filter
Bacs PCR11 23/11/21 4486 £211.38 Ricoh Rental and copy charge: Aug-Oct
Bacs CB11 23/11/21 4487 £864.92 PPC PPC Communicate Better .gov.uk email
Bacs SupStaffs 23/11/21 4488 £25.00 PPC Support Staffordshire Annual Subs
Bacs Elec11 24/11/21 4489 £447.73 CC Eon Next Electricity – October
DDB DMR11 25/11/21 4491 £169.87 CC Siemens Qtrly Lease – Nov-Jan
Bacs 26/11/21 4490 £9,829.49 Salary M8
Bacs CC 29/11/21 4492 £12.97 CC Spares 2 You Vacuum Cleaner Parts
PettyCashTop 29/11/21 4493 £51.92 Petty Cash Items Various: see parts
PettyCashTop 29/11/21 4494 £123.24 Home & Motorsave Various Maintenance Items
PettyCashTop 29/11/21 4495 £6.22 PPC Sainsbury’s Refreshments Parish mtg
PettyCashTop 29/11/21 4496 £15.00 PPC Codsall Flowers Citizen of the Year
PettyCashTop 29/11/21 4497 £3.99 CC Martyns Cleaning Supplies
Bacs CP11 30/11/21 4498 £120.00 PPC Connect Pages Advertising
Bacs PRS 30/11/21 4499 £277.46 CC PPL/PRS Royalties
Bacs 11 30/11/21 4500 £179.28 CC ESPO Cleaning Materials & Refuse Bag
Total £22,579.73
- Cash book to date received and noted for information.
- Income statement to date received and noted for information.
- Expenditure and budget to date received and noted for information.
- Appointment of internal Auditor – Resolved to appoint Black Rose Solutions for 2021/22
Councillor N Caine left the room
- Donation to Lakeside Community Church towards the installation in the Lakeside Hall hearing loop. Resolved to donate £500.
Councillor N Caine rejoined the meeting
Councillor Mrs A James left the room
- Seniors Tea Group concessionary room hire. Resolved to approve the concessionary room rate.
Councillor Mrs A James rejoined the meeting
- Christmas meals – Resolved to provide hot meals on Christmas Eve for lonely/vulnerable residents up to a value of £500 using the Covid-19 balance of £2753.47. Meals to be supplied by Cafe29 at a cost of £7.75 each.
- Civic Centre Hot water issues were explained by the Clerk. The proposal to install individual water heaters at the taps to limit the amount of water being heated at any one time was approved. Resolved to accept the quotation for £2927 + vat.
- South Staffordshire Council written reports from Cllrs Mrs R Heseltine and P Davis were noted for information.
Verbal report presented by Cllr P Allen: The Wellbeing Committee discussed breast screening and a mobile unit will be visiting the area again in 2022. There is an additional new self-contained unit which does not require an electrical hook up, hopefully this will mean more sites could be added.
Crime funding of £5,000 purchased 70 ring doorbells for locality 4 to reduce domestic violence.
Various face to face meetings have been moved to virtual due to the rise in Covid cases.
- The Boundary Review consultation – Resolved that additional evidence previously distributed be submitted to reinforce community links with Kingswood and Trescott.
- Planning application:
Application no.: 21/01244/FUL
Location: 8 Cunningham Road, Perton, WV6 7XJ
Proposed: single storey extension to side and rear
Resolved: No objections raised
Application no.: 21/01277/FUL
Location: 10 Fowler Close, Perton,WV6 7YQ
Proposed: Proposed double storey side and single storey rear extension
Resolved: No objections raised
Application no.: 21/01270/FUL
Location: Hillside, Newport Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AJ
Proposed: rear two storey extension and detached garage, demolition of existing garage
Resolved: No objections raised
Application no.: 21/01279/FUL
Location: 5 Itchen Grove, Perton, WV6 7QY
Proposed: single storey side and rear extension and new porch to front
Resolved: No objections raised
Planning applications returned since last meeting:
Application no.: 21/01159/FUL
Location: Hunterswood, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV6 7HD
Proposed: single storey rear extension, double and single storey front extension, first floor side extension and new basement level
Resolved: No objections raised
- Validation Guidance Consultation – closing date for responses 19th January 2022. The guidance will be made clearer and will reflect the changes in building regulations and planning legislation, policy and guidance. Resolved that the Parish Council respond to the consultation agreeing with the proposals.
- No report available.
- Flooding Pump House, Dippons Lane – There are still issues with flooding. SCC highways have tried to clear and repair the culvert but were unable to due to the amount of silt. At present the water is going down the storm drain and not entering the pump house, but there is a concern for safety of residents using Dippons Lane. Resolved quotations to be sought to clear the ditches. There may be help from the current tenant of the land. The County Councillor and Highways must be involved.
- Highways issues – no updates given.
- Health & Safety support options provided by SCC were discussed. Resolved to agree option one at a cost of £1500 per year and to cancel the services of the current provider John Ellis Associates Ltd.
- PCSO A Tooth joined the meeting. There are ongoing investigations in relation to the incident on Halloween.
There is an option for parishes to purchase additional CCTV cameras, which can be accessed by the Police when necessary. Chief Inspector Dave Wain would like support for more CCTV, members were asked to contact him to add their support. The Clerk to gather further information.
123/21 – REPORTS
- Weekly Clerks reports having previously been distributed were noted for information.
- Environmental report – Volunteers have been working on the southern island but that has now stopped due to the ground being waterlogged.
- Wild Trout Trust report funded through the Environment Agency via Wild About Perton. Resolved to discuss further in January to consider the Parish Council, Wild About Perton and SSDC discussing the findings together.
A request for parish support from the Association has been received. The Chairman has resigned.
Resolved Cllrs Mrs P Allen and D Glynn to examine the accounts along with the Parish Clerk before the budget meeting in January in order to recommend the support that could be given. Support was suggested for the following:
- a) Insurance costs, approximately £1,000
- b) Maintenance of the pavilion, approximately £350
- c) Cost of the defibrillator recently installed, approximately £800
- Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations – Following an SSDC Locality Forum in November, several events that are happening in Staffordshire 2022 were discussed. It was suggested that it might be better to have events throughout the year rather than just in one or two weeks. Liaising with other villages will ensure there are no clashes. Could something be done in the Civic Centre as previously done for the Diamond Jubilee? Suggestions have been street parties, picnic in the park, but it would be nice to have something in the centre. Focus on the long weekend for the Platinum Jubilee. The Indoor Carpet Bowls club have informally agreed to hold a bowls tournament. Further information and support is available from the District Council at j.turner@sstaffs.gov.uk
- Commonwealth Games 28th July – 8th If some sporting event could be promoted in the locality. Could the MUGA or sports facilities be used for some sporting activities. A light show in Anders Square was mentioned or a big named event which attracts a sporting star.
There is £1,000 per locality available to help with costs.
Resolved that the working party will meet before the precept meeting to discuss the ideas. Also to consult on social media what the residents would like to see. The parish office to promote before Christmas.
- Community Litter pick dates for information – 15th January, 5th March, 7th May, 9th July, 3rd September and 5th Resolved that the parish office will promote the dates.
Due to the increase in Covid 19 cases it is recommended by NALC that no unnecessary meetings are held.
Resolved to hold a virtual discussion to propose the budget and precept on 10th January 2022 and the
Full Council Meeting will be held on Monday 17th January 2022 at 7pm to ratify the proposed budget and to deal with any additional time sensitive matters.
Meeting closed at 8.35pm