Planning Committee
Meeting held at Perton Civic Centre
17th September 2021
Dear Sir/Madam,
You are summoned to the meeting of the Planning Committee to be held in the Boardroom, Perton Civic Centre on Thursday 23rd September 2021 at 7.00pm.
Becky Hodgetts
Clerk to the Council
P01/21 – To receive apologies for Absence
P02/21 – To receive Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests from the Agenda
P03/21 – To receive and approve requests for Code of Conduct Dispensations
P04/21 – To approve the minutes of the planning meeting held on 28th November 2019
P05/21 – To note planning applications returned since last meeting
P06/21 – To note planning applications approved since last meeting
P07/21 – To receive and consider the applications listed below
Application No: 21/00841/LUP
Proposed: Single storey extension to rear
Location: 5 The Pastures, Perton, WV6 7UJ
Application No. 21/00907/FUL
Proposed: Single storey extensions to the rear and full height dormer terrace and balustrading to the upper storey and associated landscape works.
Location: Ridge Acre, Pattingham Road, Perton WV6 7HD
P08/21 – To discuss enforcement notice 21.00236.UNCOU – Land at Dippons Lane
P09/21 – To agree date and time of next meeting
Minutes of the Planning Committee held at Perton Civic Centre on
Thursday 23rd September 2021, 7.00pm
Councillors Mrs P Allen, K Elder, D Glynn, C Rathbone
Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr N Caine.
Cllr Mrs P Allen declared an interest in all planning applications as a member of the South Staffordshire District Council Planning Committee.
No requests received.
P04/21 – MINUTES
Resolved that the minutes of the planning meeting held on 28th November 2019 having previously been distributed, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.
To note Planning applications submitted to South Staffordshire Council since the last meeting.
19/00948/FUL 44 Edgehill Drive, Perton, WV6 7SW
Proposed side and rear single storey extensions
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
19/00988/REM Land West of Wrottesley Park Road, Perton
Reserved matters application following approval of 18/00436/OUT comprising of 2b The Scale, 2c The Appearance, 2d The Landscaping
• There is a lack of footpaths in a number of areas
• The traffic island requires aa suitably wide refuge
• Planting in the attenuation ponds and also panting of trees is required
• Play area location to be moved further south in the green space and to include hooped fencing
• Pedestrian crossing to be installed from the play area
To ensure drainage is suitable. The existing pipeline under Wrottesley Park Road has a diameter of 8” which means retention of surface water and gradual drainage is essential. The soakaways envisaged for the houses are also essential to mitigate the possibility of flooding on the site. Approved
19/00745/FUL Stone House, Holyhead Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AN
Demolition of two existing out buildings and erection of a new self contained detached dwelling
Comments: Withdrawn Application withdrawn
Re-submitted 20/00373/FUL
20/00091/FUL Southfork, Holyhead Road, Kingswood WV7 3AP
Extension to rear of house
Comments: The Parish Council raised no objections to this application subject to the following: No work to be carried out on a Sunday or a Bank Holiday and building work to take place between the hours of 08.30 – 17.30, Monday to Friday and 08.30 to 13.00 on a Saturday.
20/161/COU Pump House, Dippons Lane, Perton
Extension to existing sewage pumping station and relocation of existing agricultural access track.
Comments: Perton Parish Council made the following comments/observations:
It appears that work has already started
There is already evidence of effluent being dispersed into the local landscape
The area already floods, additional hard standing will increase the flooding
There is concern that the ecological report does not adequately take account of the bat population
The area is already subjected to anti-social behaviour. The area should be properly planted to minimise vehicle usage
What is the process for switching to the new pumps
Comment Date: Wed 11 Mar 2020I wish to call in these plans as we have several concerns as a parish council.
A) Work has already begun.
B) The new access is visible from the road.
C) We are concerned about the hardstanding and existing flooding in this area of Dippons Lane.
D) There has been a discharge of effluent in the adjacent brook.
E) ASB is associated with this site.
The Clerk to Perton Parish Council will be raising our concerns also and I request a site visit. Approved
19/00966/FUL The New Cottages, Pattingham Road, Perton
Demolition of pair of semi-detached dwellings with proposed new dwelling and garage.
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections subject to the following:
All construction traffic to be parked off the highway. Re-submitted 20/00454/FUL
& 20/00457/FUL
20/00108/FUL Far Park, Pattingham Road, Perton
Replacement dwelling
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application subject to no objections by their neighbours. Approved
20/00179/FUL 30 Harald Close, Perton, WV6 7NJ
Proposed two storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application. Approved
20/00190/FUL 2 Warwick Avenue, Perton, WV6 7RN
Bedroom extension over existing garage and single storey utility room extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application. Approved
20/00192/FUL Perton Court Farm, Jenny Walkers Lane, Perton WV6 7HB
Removal of condition 14 from approval 19/00041/COU to allow for installation of UPVC windows
Comments: The Council expressed no objections but a comment as to why Condition 14 was imposed on the original planning consent and what has now changed to remove this condition.
20/00194/FUL 20 Buttermere Court, Perton, WV6 7PP
2 Storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised concerns that the large extension almost doubles the size of the house and could be deemed as an over development. Approved
20/00231/FUL 22 Franklyn Close, Perton, WV6 7 SB
Proposed extension to the side
Comments: The Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
20/00157/FUL 47 Gainsborough Drive, Perton, WV6 7NR
Single storey extension to front elevation with slightly raised tiled roof across
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to the proposals Approved
20/00267/FUL 6 Sutherland Grove, Perton, WV6 7PA
Second storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00124/FUL 92 Mercia Drive, Perton, WV6 7NH
Single storey rear garage extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00230/FUL Highcroft, Holyhead Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AN
Demolition of existing two storey garage/workshop, demolition of existing single storey garden room, replacement with 3 bedroom detached dormer bungalow (revision of scheme allowed on appeal)
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00266/FUL The Old Pump House, Bennetts Lane, Pattingham, WV6 7EY
Rear two storey extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Refused
Appeal Dismissed
20/00206/VAR Cranmoor Lodge Farm, Wrottesley Park Road, WV8 2NS
Condition 7 of 13/00888/FUL to allow the use of stabling of up to two horses
Comments: The Parish Council raised no objections to Vary Condition 7 of 13/00888/FUL Approved
20/00374/FUL Hillside, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV6 7HD
Demolition of existing house and construction of two detached dwellings along with adjacent side works, landscaping, access and parking
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objections to these proposals as the house is heavily screened from the road but possible over development at the site replacing one house with two Approved
20/00383/FUL 39 Manston Drive, Perton, WV6 7LX
Reposition side fence line 1.5 metres from the pavement edge
Comments: The Parish Council have concerns on this application to reposition the side fence as it is in a prominent position opposite a school and will intrude on the street scene and reduce visibility on a corner. Approved
20/00373/FUL Stone House, Holyhead Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AN
Demolition of two existing outbuildings and erection of new self contained, detached, single storey dwelling
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objections to this planning application subject to space about dwellings. This development will have little impact or harm on the openness of the green belt because it is within an existing residential development wedge between the two roads in Kingswood Refused
20/00448/FUL 5 Hawkstone Court, Perton, WV6 7YT
First floor side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00497/FUL 2 The New Cottages, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV67HO
Two storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00457/FUL 1 The New Cottages, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV67HO
Two storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00502/FUL 1 Moore Close, Perton, WV6 7PB
First floor side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this planning application Approved
20/00520/FUL 3 Stokesay Avenue, Perton, WV6 7RS
Single storey rear extension
Comments: No comments were made on this planning application Approved
20/00605/FUL 19 St Mawes Road, Perton, WV6 7UN
First floor rear extension over existing utility room
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections subject to neighbours consent Approved
20/00645/FUL 7 Edward Road, Perton, WV6 7NA
Single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections subject to neighbours consent Approved
20/00658/FUL 36 Edward Road, Perton, WV6 7NA
Two storey side extension and replacement pitched roof to existing single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections subject to neighbours consent Approved
20/00714/FUL 17 Sedgefield Grove, Perton, WV6 7PY
Ground floor side and two storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections subject to neighbours consent Approved
20/00798/FUL 5 Fowler Close, Perton, WV6 7YQ
Proposed side extension and access and drive alterations
Comments: No objections to this application were raised by the Parish Council
20/00779/FUL Longville, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV6 7HD
Extension and alterations to existing dwelling, including roof alterations, new entrance hallway, garage with accommodation above, leisure suite and link, including landscape alterations
Comments: The Parish Council raised no objections to the amended plans for this development Approved
20/00808/FUL 1 Naseby Road, Perton, WV6 7SL
Single storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
20/00844/FUL 17 Carisbrooke Road, Perton, WV6 7UU
Two storey side and single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
20/00983/FUL 2 Raglan Avenue, Perton, WV6 7RZ
Creation of a single storey rear extension and changes to fenestration
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
20/01049/FUL 17 Penda Grove, Perton, WV6 7NW
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application subject to advice from the Arboricultural Office Approved
20/01037/FUL 10 Naseby Road Perton, WV6 7SL
Extension of fence to front of property and 2 metres from pathway
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
20/01163/FUL Plas Gwyn, Pattingham Road, Perton, WV6 7HD
Revisions to Driveway following a breach of Conditions
Comments: The Parish Council made no comment on the proposals Approved
21/00112/FUL 3 Piper Close, Perton, WV6 7NS
Proposed Single Storey Side Extension Part Garage Conversion and Bay Window with Front Lean to Canopy
Comments: No comments were made on this planning application Approved
21/00018/FUL 7 The Paddock, Perton, WV6 7UE
Single storey rear extension
Comments: The Parish Council made no comment on this application Approved
21/00007/FUL 3 Cranbrook Grove, Perton, WV6 7RY
Single storey rear extension
Comments: The Parish Council raised no objections to this application Approved
21/00043/FUL 24 Wykenham Grove, Perton, WV6 7TP
Proposed side and rear extension
Comments: No objections were raised by the Parish Council Approved
21/00069/FUL 17 Elmley Grove, Perton, WV6 7RW
First floor side extension
Comments: No objections were raised to this application Approved
21/00089/FUL 1 Mallory Road, Perton, WV6 7XN
Installation of fence to boundary of property adjacent Severn Drive
An enforcement notice was moved against this fence line on the following grounds:
1. This property is on the corner of Severn Drive and Mallory Road. Severn Drive is a very busy road leading to the rear car park of Sainsbury’s, the Wrottesley Arms, the library and the shopping centre. The traffic and the footfall are heavy.
2. The fence line obscures the sight of traffic leaving Mallory Road in both directions.
3. Every evening cars are parked on both sides of Severn Drive in this location.
4. The property to the rear would have poor visibility of approaching cars and pedestrians.
5. The adjacent bungalows to the north on Severn Drive have elderly residents who would also have poor visibility.
6. Severn Drive curves away at this point which limits existing visibility.
7. The street scene would be very much affected by this fence. Our open frontages prevent crime by allowing clear views of neighbouring properties. Refused
21/00011/FUL Cranmoor Lodge Farm, Wrottesley Park Road, Perton, WV8 2HS
Change of use from residential to offices
The Parish Council have been informed that there is a covenant on this development to prevent business use.
The Parish Council has serious concerns on Highway grounds:
A) the road to the development has a concealed entrance with no signage on Wrottesley Park Road.
B) the farm road is single track with only two passing places.
C) the road is a direct connection to the Staffordshire Way and is very well walked, especially during the pandemic.
D) the junction is a crossing point for people leaving Bluebell Wood and crossing to the farm road.
E) there is already frequent and heavy traffic to Brownies, a nursery and farm shop, situated on the junction.
F) the proposed business use would increase the traffic into this road with staff and clients, disturbing the residents, as this is a quiet residential area.
G) the land is covenanted for residential use only Approved
20/00995/FUL 61 Hawksmoor Drive, Perton, WV6 7TL
Two storey side/rear extension to the left hand side as viewed from the highway. Single storey rear extension. Single storey front extension. Increased roof height above existing garage and front dormers for habitable room space
Comments: Perton Parish Council expressed concerns that the proposal is out of scale with bordering properties and request that the extension is subject to a condition to ensure it is not used as a separate dwelling or sold separately to the main house Application withdrawn
21/00186/FUL 27 Richmond Drive, Perton, WV6 7RR
The proposal seeks to develop the existing 4-bedroom detached house with 2no single garages, by;- Converting the single garage nearest the house into a new main entrance with new front door, new ground floor toilet, new utility and new hall. This will be facilitated by means of a small extension to the existing brickwork, with a new pitched roof over which will intersect with the existing single storey roof to the front elevation, providing a gable feature.
– Constructing a single storey extension to the rear to provide a larger kitchen, with a new pitched roof over which will intersect with the existing single storey roof to the rear elevation, providing a gable feature
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to these proposals subject to neighbours consent Approved
21/00202/FUL 15 Avon Close, Perton, WV6 7QS
Side double storey extension and new entrance
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to these proposals subject to neighbours consent Approved
21/00216/FUL 62 Ennerdale Drive, Perton, WV6 7PF
Single storey front extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised concerns that the proposed design is not in-keeping with the current front elevation of the house, is too large and intrusive on the street scene Approved
21/00234/FUL Perton Middle School Communication Station, Gainsborough Drive, Perton
The removal of existing headframe and installation of a new replacement headframe on existing mast structure
Comments: Perton Parish Council have raised no objection to this application Approved
21/00190/FUL 45 Melrose Drive, Perton, WV6 7XH
Garage extension and conversion of existing garage to habitable lounge
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objection to the house extension but have concerns that the garage extension will take up much of the front aspect and come very close to the footpath and the junction box for the Virgin cabling. This will impact on the street scene. Approved
21/00300/VAR Highcroft, Holyhead Road, Kingswood, WV7 3AN
Demolition of existing two storey garage/workshop, demolition of existing single storey garden room, replacement with 3 bed detached dormer bungalow (revision of scheme allowed at appeal)
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objection to this proposal Awaiting decision
21/00329/FUL 22 Farleigh Road, Perton, WV6 7RH
Erection of detached double garage. Double garage conversion under permitted development
Comments: Perton Parish Council have raised concerns that the drawings are very basic and contain no information about footings, the slope of the drive, the excavations necessary and the effect on adjacent trees Approved
21/00370/FUL 8 Warwick Avenue, Perton, WV6 7RN
Second storey extension to side, single storey extensions to front and rear
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00428/FUL 6 Paxton Avenue, Perton, WV6 7SG
Double storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00461/FUL 3 Cheshire Grove, Perton, WV6 7XL
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council have no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00464/FUL The Bull Ride, Holyhead Road, Codsall, WV8 2HT
Single storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objections to this proposal Application withdrawn
21/00365/FUL 68 Leasowe Drive, Perton, WV6 7TU
Single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00501/FUL Dove Barn, 22 Cranmoor, Perton, WV8 2JN
Single storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00622/FUL 8 Sutherland Grove, Perton, WV6 7PA
First floor side extension over existing flat roof garage, WC and Utility
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00549/FUL 10 Adwalton Road, Perton, WV6 7SH
Proposed first floor side extension over existing garage and refurbishment works to ground floor
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00132/FUL 8 The Cartway, Perton, WV6 7TZ
Wooden 18ft x 10ft garage on front driveway – retrospective application
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal but noted that it was very close to neighbouring property Awaiting decision
21/00704/COU Layby, Bridgnorth Road, Trescott
Change of use application – to site a mobile catering van on layby
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00670/FUL 1 Moore Close, Perton, WV6 7PB
First floor extension to side and rear.
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Approved
21/00746/FUL 6 Paxton Avenue, Perton, WV6 7SG
Double storey side extension. New Application to amend previously approved 21/00428/FUL
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Awaiting Decision
21/00773/FUL 18 Sandown Drive, Perton, WV6 7PS
Single Storey front & rear extensions plus 2 storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Awaiting Decision
21/00809/FUL 24 Peverill Road, Perton, WV6 7PH
2 storey side extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Awaiting Decision
21/00816/FUL 3 Buttermere Court, Perton, WV6 7PP
Single storey extension to rear and extension to porch
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Awaiting Decision
21/00667/FUL 3 Broughton Court, Perton, WV6 7RL
Construction of single storey rear extension
Comments: Perton Parish Council raised no objection to this proposal Awaiting Decision
21/00844/FUL 61 Hawksmoor Drive, Perton, WV6 7TL
Two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and first floor side extension
Comments: This application has been called in for a site visit by a district member. Awaiting Decision
To note decisions from South Staffordshire District Council as shown in the above table.
Application No: 21/00841/LUP
Proposed: Single storey extension to rear
Location: 5 The Pastures, Perton, WV6 7UJ
Resolved no objections raised
Application No. 21/00907/FUL
Proposed: Single storey extensions to the rear and full height dormer terrace and balustrading to the upper storey and associated landscape works.
Location: Ridge Acre, Pattingham Road, Perton WV6 7HD
Resolved no objections raised
Councillor Mrs P Allen confirmed that there was no pre-determination in respect to the applications considered.
South Staffordshire Council have advised the tenant to apply for retrospective planning. No further update was available.
Wednesday 27th October 2021 4.00pm
Meeting closed at 7.33pm
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………