Weekly News 284

What’s on this weekend
Weston Park: Historic Rally Festival
Rally fans will flock to Weston Park this weekend for a two-day motoring event.
The rally, featuring up to 60 specially selected cars, begins tomorrow in the QEII arena at Telford Town Park, followed by stages at the Ironbridge Power Station. The cars will then proceed to Weston Park
The event, taking place tomorrow and Sunday, will also include live music, a funfair, and food and drink.
South Staffordshire Council’s Environmental Health and Licensing Team has been working with the organisers with a view to helping them deliver a safe and successful event.
For more information, click here
Himley Hall: Halloween Craft and Gift Fair
Spooky craft items and gifts will be on offer at Himley Hall this weekend.
Presented by Black Country Craft Fairs, the event takes place this Sunday from 9am to 3pm. Tickets cost £2 on the door, and under 16s go free.
South Staffordshire Council’s Environmental Health and Licensing Team has been working with the organisers with a view to helping them deliver a safe and successful event.
For more information, click here
Council and district news
Have your say:
South Staffordshire Residents’ Survey now out
Make your voice heard – take part in our newly released Residents’ Survey.
The survey is a chance for everyone living in South Staffordshire to let us know their views on where they live, and the district as a whole.
Have your say by completing the survey via this link
Community Safety newsletter
In this edition meet the new Police Commander, as he introduces himself, outlines his priorities, and takes a look at the crime figures.
Halloween is fast approaching – this newsletter includes some contact numbers, should you feel worried about callers or fireworks over the last week in October.
Also, scams are on the increase and there are several currently circulating on email and text messages.
Finally, if you have a keyless entry vehicle, pop into the council offices for a free Faraday Bag. This is a pouch that helps to stop the signal from the key to your vehicle, helping to decrease the chances of theft.
Codsall Community Hub set to welcome Barclays
Barclays is set to relocate its services into the Community Hub from Tuesday, October 18th.
The team will be onsite every Tuesday between 9am and midday, and Thursdays from 9am to 5pm to offer support, guidance, and information to their customers.
No cash transactions will be provided.
As well as occupying an office, they will also have a visible presence within the foyer.
This new tenant now brings the Community Hub occupancy to 100%.
Help protect birds
This winter, birds across Europe are catching avian flu – please take the necessary precautions.
The risk to humans is low but it is a concern for all local birds including your poultry or pet birds at home.
If you do see any sick or dead birds – do not touch or attempt to rescue them. Please report any sick or dead birds to the Defra Helpline: 03459 335577 (option 7). |
The Review: Updates from our services, district news and more
Find out all the latest information about what’s happening across South Staffordshire in our autumn residents’ magazine.
See updates from our waste and recycling team, our planning team, our business team and more.
Check out the latest edition of the Review here
Stand for what you believe in – be a councillor
Be a councillor in South Staffordshire and make a real difference.
Our Be a Councillor event takes place on October 17th, from 6 till 8pm, at Codsall Community Hub.
For more information, click here
Five-star rated food outlets
Our Environmental Health team has had the pleasure of awarding a number of food outlets the top rating of five stars for food safety over the last month.
The food hygiene rating reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of the inspection. The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality.
Top five-star ratings went to:
- Aurorbella’s Bakes, Wombourne
- Play-Tropolis, Wombourne
Council job vacancies
- Senior Caretaker – closing midnight on October 30th
- Relief Leisure Assistants at Codsall, Wombourne, Penkridge & Cheslyn Hay Leisure Centres – open application date.
- Biffa Class 2 Driver, Municipal Waste Collection – open application date.
- Swimming Instructors, all leisure centres – open application date.
For more information on all South Staffordshire Council vacancies and for details on how to apply, click here
Community Lottery: Give your group a boost
Are you connected with a local sports club, PTFA, charity or community group who are looking to boost their fundraising?
If so, tell them they could benefit from getting involved with the South Staffordshire Community Lottery.
The lottery has raised almost £150,000 for groups and charities across South Staffordshire, so if they are not yet signed up, they are missing out on a potential funding boost.
Leisure latest
October half-term activity camps
Penkridge, Codsall and Wombourne Leisure Centres are providing children’s activity camps for 5 to 14 year olds.
The camps run from Monday, October 24th, to Friday, October 28th.
To find out more and to book, visit the following websites:
- Codsall Leisure Centre: https://www.aspire-sports.co.uk/active-camps/codsall-active-camps
- Wombourne Leisure Centre: https://www.aspire-sports.co.uk/active-camps/wombourne-active-camps
- Penkridge Leisure Centre: https://www.sstaffs.gov.uk/leisure/school-holiday-camps-4.cfm
Partnership updates
Help for Households
The Government is providing a range of extra support to help with rising prices.
These are being paid to eligible individuals automatically:
- Households in the UK will receive a £400 discount to help with the cost of their energy bill from October onwards.
- Also from October the Energy Price Guarantee will reduce the unit cost of electricity and gas so that a typical household in Great Britain pays, on average, around £2,500 a year on their energy bill, for the next two years.
- £650 Cost of Living payment for most people on means-tested benefits, the first (£326) has been paid and the second (£324) will be received in November.
- £300 Pensioner Cost of Living payment that will be paid with Winter Fuel Payments to all pensioner households across the UK.
- £150 Disability Cost of Living payment for those on an eligible UK disability benefit, paid from September.
Find out what other support is available at gov.uk/helpforhouseholds
Give your immunity a boost
There are two essential vaccines that you may need this winter – a flu vaccine and a Covid-19 booster.
Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself, friends and family from these dangerous viruses.
Find out if you’re eligible at uk/wintervaccinations and book now.
Have a green Halloween
A terrifying 14.5 million pumpkins get left uneaten each year in the UK.
There are so many delicious pumpkin recipes that you can try to reduce your waste this Halloween. Alternatively, instead of throwing your pumpkin away, turn it into compost instead. You could also create a snack o’lantern for wildlife by cutting up your leftover pumpkin. More info here: https://bit.ly/3Co3Xqs |