Weekly News 339

Council and district news
Associate Independent Person
The Council has a duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by its elected and co-opted members who are required to comply with a code of conduct.
When allegations into alleged breaches of the code of conduct are received the Council consults an Independent Person before it takes a decision to investigate. The Independent Person may also be consulted by a member of the authority or parish councillor against whom an allegation has been made. In addition the Independent Person is invited to attend meetings of the Council’s Standards and Resources Committee. The Council is looking to appoint a number of Associate Independent Persons to ensure resilience in this area. To apply for this position you must have relevant experience and be politically neutral. You cannot be appointed as an Associate Independent Person if you are currently a member, co-opted member or an officer of South Staffordshire District Council or any parish council within the District or have been within the last five years, or if you are a relative or close friend of such a person. Expenses incurred in undertaking this role will be reimbursed. To express an interest in this position, please write or email the Corporate Director of Governance (Monitoring Officer), South Staffordshire Council, Council Offices, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall. WV8 1PX or l.fowkes@sstaffs.gov.uk, briefly outlining your relevant experience. Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is March 31st, 2024. |
Funding Available for community projects
Grant funding of up to £99,999 is available to support a wide range of community projects in South Staffordshire through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Funding is available for capital projects including investment in buildings, equipment, and machinery through the Rural England Fund.
There may also be support for other, non-capital activities through the UKSPF Residual fund.
To find out more, check eligibility and express an interest, visit UK Shared Prosperity Funding | South Staffordshire District Council (sstaffs.gov.uk).
You can also view the prospectus to see examples of projects that can be supported.
- Waste Contracts Manager, closing January 31st
All vacancies can be viewed in full and applied for on our recruitment site: https://www.sstaffs.gov.uk/vacancies
Leisure latest
South Staffordshire Council’s leisure centres provide everything you need to get your health and fitness on track through offering a wide variety of facilities.
- Newly upgraded gyms
- Exercise and well-being classes
- Studio cycling
- Swimming
- Toning
Click here to find out more.
The leisure centres offer a variety of membership packages to suit everyone’s needs and budgets.
Member benefits
- 14 days advanced booking giving you priority access.
- Complimentary health checks and personal fitness programmes available.
- No joining fees or long-term contracts.
- Flexible membership allowing you to switch packages at any time.
- Manage your bookings online with our members-only portal.
- Use four leisure centres at no extra cost.
Click here to view our membership packages.
To join, simply pop into your nearest leisure centre or join online here.
Training Courses
The South Staffordshire Training Academy delivers various courses throughout the year which are delivered at the council’s leisure centres.
Courses on offer include National Pool Lifeguard Qualification courses, Swimming teacher award and certificate courses and aquatic helper courses.
For full details, click here.
Leisure centre activities for children and young people
South Staffordshire Council’s leisure centres provide a range of activities and schemes for young people, some of which are available during school holidays and others which are available all year round.
During February half term there are a variety of activities on offer including Aspire Activity Camps, Wolves Soccer Schools and swimming. |
The leisure centres also run ‘Active Youth’ sessions, all year round, which are supervised gym sessions for young people aged 13 years+.
Finally the leisure centres is offering Student and Apprentice memberships which are discounted membership packages. For full details on all the activities, visit https://www.sstaffs.gov.uk/sports-and-fitness/school-holiday-activities |
Partnership updates
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme helps people to start their journey to better health.
It’s a free, twelve-week online programme, designed to be flexible around your lifestyle and motivate you along the way. The programme offers nutritional advice, wellbeing support and tips to boost activity levels. The programme is working closely with several weight-management organisations to deliver expert advice and knowledge. Who can you join?
Once you have referred, pick the plan best suited to you. Your chosen provider will contact you within 2 working days. Please note- if you do not start your plan after 6 weeks, your referral will close. Anyone who self refers to the programme will have a tailored online plan to suit their lifestyle, that they can access on their phone, tablet or computer. It’s easy to self-refer! For more information click here. |
Staffordshire Libraries
Did you know Staffordshire Libraries provide safe, warm, and welcoming spaces with access to lots of great services, such as FREE books and electronic resources.
With a Staffordshire library card, you can download eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines, eComics, and eNewspapers on the go! At Staffordshire Libraries you have access to Wi-Fi and desktop computers and can use a range of subscriptions such as Ancestry, Driving Theory Test Pro and Go Citizen and much more, FREE across our 43 libraries. Staffordshire library staff and volunteers can signpost you to information and services in your local area – getting you the help and support you may need. Many of our libraries can help with online applications for Bus Passes and Blue Badges, and our Business Start-Up Hubs can provide anyone looking to start a business with information to get them on the right path. Looking for something to do? We have a huge range of activities and events from Baby Bounce and Rhyme time for little ones, Coffee and Chat sessions, Local History activities, Craft sessions plus lots more. So, what are you waiting for! Why not Discover Your Staffordshire Library Today! Join Up. Join In. Discover. Explore. Create. To find out more at your local library, click here. |