Full Council
meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams
Contact the Parish Council for a copy of this agenda
Minutes of the meeting of Perton Parish Council
held on Monday 8th February 2021, 7.00pm
Meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
The meeting was recorded and will be deleted once minutes are approved.
Councillors Mrs PA Allen (Chairman), D Glynn (Vice- Chairman), AA Bourke, R Bradley, N Caine, P Davis, Mrs L Dew, Mrs R Heseltine, Mrs A James, J Sherlock, J Turner, Mrs B Walters
Staffordshire County Councillors K James, V Wilson and D Williams – part of the meeting
Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
Admin Assistant Mrs L Higgins
Members of the public – One
No questions raised by the public.
Apologies received and noted for Cllrs Mrs R Heseltine
No report received. Cllr Mrs R Heseltine informed the members that Chief Inspector Wain would be happy to join a future parish council meeting, clerk to forward meeting dates.
The following declarations were made:
• Item 140/20 Perton Playing Fields – Cllrs Mrs P Allen, Mrs E Dew, D Glynn, Mrs R Heseltine,
J Sherlock
• Item 141/20 – Community Support Hub – Cllr Mrs P Allen
No requests for dispensation received.
132/20 – MINUTES
a) Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th January and 18th January were a true and correct record with the following amendments:
Councillor Mrs R Heseltine and AA Bourke were present at the meetings held on 11th January and the precept meeting held on 18th January .
The Chairman to sign the amended minutes in the Clerk’s office as soon as practical.
b) Noted for information the minutes of the following committees:
• Finance Committee meeting held on 2nd February 2021.
Resolved to change the order of business, standing order 10a vi)
a) A written report from County Councillor AK James was distributed prior to the meeting.
b) There was no further update on the speed cameras at Trescott
c) Wrottesley Park Road signage. The council are still concerned and feel it important to warn road users of pedestrians crossing. There are no signs for the junction. County Cllr D Williams has agreed to a site visit with an officer to see what options are available.
d) Tree roots in Tangmere Close are causing damage to the footpath which is causing issues for a resident with additional medical needs. The tree is on District Council land but the footpath is the responsibility of the County Council. County Councillor D Williams will look into the matter with the District Council to see where the responsibility lies.
e) Flooding at Dippons Lane was discussed. The storm tank was full which exacerbated the flooding. The water was very close to going into the pumping station and the pumping station which could create further issues. The pump house can pump 40 litres a second but it is still being flooded. There is A pipe under Dippons lane which feeds into the outflow from the pumping station, it appears that this blocked.
Severn Trent have improved the situation with new pumps which are significantly better. They are willing to have a site meeting to discuss this issue. There is concern with sewage pollution.
Highway officers are willing to have a site meeting, but not necessarily during the lockdown.
Severn Trent and Staffordshire County Council would need to look at the long term problem as it is a regular occurrence.
There are a couple of other issues with flooding on Dippons Lane.
The water goes from the fields into the pumping station and is not coming from the pumping station.
The gate on footpath #28 is being continually tampered with to try and stop people using the gate to allow access for bicycles, pushchairs etc. Suggested that the gate be removed completely, stored at the Civic Centre, to maintain access. Contact Rights of Way at the County Council to inform of the decision, giving 14 days to object.
133/20 – FINANCE
a) Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/02/21 and 28/02/2021
Tn No. Cheque Gross Details
4245 DDRates01 £1,435.00 South Staffordshire Council Rates – January
4246 DDWebsite £30.00 Kalidescope Website & email hosting/maintenance
4247 DDAsh01 £124.63 Ash Waste Services General & recycle waste
4248 BacsBT01 £94.18 British Telecom BT OneBill 1st – 31st December
4249 BacsH&S01 £300.00 John Ellis Associates Limited Qtrly H&S consultancy services
4250 BacsSWCL £1,650.00 Stephen Wade Installation of Xmas Lights
4251 DDEITstyste £700.80 Edge Designs Limited Annual software license and upgrades
4252 BacsIR01 £2,673.81 Inland Revenue Tax & NI – December
4253 BacsPen01 £3,186.86 Staffordshire County Pension Pension – December
4254 BacsCH £210.00 Cannon Hygiene Annual Contract Jan – Dec 2021
4255 BacsCHrefund -£26.24 Cannon Hygiene Annual Contract Jan – Dec REFUND
4256 BacsAssaAblo £399.60 Assa Abloy Automatic doors Annual Contract Jan to Dec
4257 BacsAE01 £84.00 Acquiesce Environmental Legionella monitoring and testing January
4258 BacsHallsJan £131.01 Halls SMS Washroom/kitchen supplies & cleaning materials
4259 DDbWater12 £244.66 Waterplus Water supply/used 29/10/20 to 08/01/21
4260 DDbElect12 £709.92 Npower Business Electricity supply 01/12/20 to 28/12/20
4261 BacsWSM £420.00 Weston Sawmill Supply & install Xmas Tree
4262 C-19Donation £625.00 Kingsway Food Bank Donation to Food bank Jan (Co-op bank)
4263 DDbGas12 £848.25 Contract Natural Gas Ltd Gas supply: December
4264 BacsSPCAT £30.00 South Staffordshire Council Cllr training – Responding to planning applications
4265 BacsSalary £10,733.54 Kalidescope Month 10 (January)
Total £24,605.02
b) Cash book received and noted for information. Copy attached to these minutes.
c) Income statement received and noted for information.
d) Expenditure and budget to date received and approved.
e) Appointment of internal Auditor – Resolved to appoint Black Rose Solutions at £30 per hour.
a) District Councillor written reports previously distributed from Cllrs AA Bourke, P Davis and Mrs R Heseltine were noted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
Cllr N Caine informed the meeting he is continually in dialogue with the District Council regarding the rat issue.
Cllr R Heseltine has spoken to Street Scene regarding the rat issue who have confirmed they have cut trees and bushes back as much as possible and there are as many bait boxes in place as possible. While residents carry on feeding the birds this will continue to encourage the rats. Bushes in the problem areas in Coleridge Drive were going to be removed.
Cllr P Allen – The boundary review is currently being undertaken and there are some potential changes. Ward boundaries are taking in to account future housing. The no. of electors is also being looked at which may involve a reduction of councillors in in some areas.
Cllr P Allen attended a recent planning seminar presenting ‘Building Better, Building Beautiful’. This is developing new housing in a different way. A Government report shows that future developments will have more trees, better building standards for sustainability, more public consultation on types of buildings wanted in the local area and to increase public consultation, in particular, with new housing. The government is looking for areas to participate in a Pilot scheme.
b) Locality+ Forums, unfortunately the District Council were unsuccessful with a funding bid to provide a roll out of MS Teams across parishes to support three tier working. Resolved that Perton Parish Council is still keen to be involved with the project. The only comment made was that there should be the ability for parish participation unlike the previous forum..
Weekly reports having previously been distributed were noted for information.
An update was provided on the site development. Severn Homes expect the contractor to be appointed very soon and work to commence on site by June 2021.
Resolved that the following policies be reviewed with no amendments
a) Safeguarding
b) Social Media
c) Smoking/e-cigarette
d) Training
e) Vexatious Complaints
f) Website
g) Wifi acceptable usage
h) Absence management
i) Asset Disposal
j) Bring Your Own Device (BOYD)
Staffordshire County Council are offering to provide accessible compliant websites. Resolved to use the service at an initial cost of £500 then £150 per annum.
The By-laws on the playing fields were discussed, it was Resolved to defer this item to allow time to get further advice from the District Council.
The Community Foundation of Staffordshire has approved a grant of £2,500 to provide activity packs to elderly and vulnerable residents. The Support Hub have met and are currently discussing items to be included.
Nominations are invited for the National Honours list.
143/20 – DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING via Microsoft Teams
Monday 8th March 2021 at 7pm Full Council
Crime & Disorder Implications Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998
Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………
Agenda item 133/20 b)
Financial Summary – Cashbook
Summary between 01/04/20 and 31/01/21 inclusive.
Balances at the start of the year
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £602.91
HSBC Current Account £10719.54
Petty Cash Accounts £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £130,000.00
Total £141,572.45
RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £225,885.15 £0.00 £225,885.15
Civic Centre £31,917.37 £0.00 31,917.37
Total Receipts £243,681.55 £0.00 £257,802.52
PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £137,796.84 £4,277.77 £142,074.61
Civic Centre £98,780.83 £2,742.11 £101,522.94
Total Payments £236,577.67 £7,019.88 £243,597.55
Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £2,138.68
HSBC Current Account £13,388.74
Petty Cash Account £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £140,000.00
Total £155,777.42
Uncleared and unpresented effects
Statement Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £2,763.68
HSBC Current Account £13,247.79
Petty Cash Account £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £150,000.00
Total £166,261.47
Agenda item 134/20 a)
Report from County Councillor AK James
Please find the above Report on the issues contained in the Agenda.
1) In the reply from the Highways Manager on the 3 Speed Cameras that are on the Bridgnorth Road at Trescott, he has explained that the Safety Panel use these installations to deter motorists by their existence. They are not digital and require the films to be collected by the Police for prosecution.
2) Tree causing damage at Tangmere Close is usually a matter for Steve Dores. The Aboricultural Officer at South Staffordshire District Council. Any damage to the footpath can be dealt with after his report to the County Council.
3) The Flooding at Dippons Lane is being caused by problems that Severn Trent Water are currently dealing with and a notification of this work was passed on by myself to the Parish Council some time ago. I am not aware of the progress of this scheme, but I will ask to be updated if the County Highways have any information.
4) The Right of Way Footpath No.28. Richmond Drive to Highfields in Wightwick. This can be referred to the County Council if the situation continues to be an access problem. If the Right of Way is blocked or locked by unauthorised persons that carry out interference to the footpath, I will ask the County to send an officer to investigate the matter.
5) I have been requested to support the application to the Climate Change Fund for a grant to obtain equipment that will reduce Carbon use by the Parish Council. I have contacted the County Council that I agree to endorse the application.
Agenda item 135/20 a)
January report – Mrs Rita Heseltine Member for Perton Lakeside
Since the last Parish Council meeting I have attended the following:
12.01.21: Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
Member Briefing : RPP ( Resource, Planning and Prioritisation)
The Members received an update on the 20/21 budget. The full budget will be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19/01/21.
13.01.2021: Covid Outbreak Briefing
Member Briefing: Code of Conduct / Constitution
This briefing was a refresher course for Councillors.
14.01.2021: Member Briefing: Infrastructure
There are a number of schemes/projects within South Staffordshire and this session was arranged so that Members could be updated on progress.
15.01.2021: Local Outbreak Control Group – South Staffordshire.
Chaired by Dr. Richard Harling these meetings focus on the pandemic within our District.
Covid Outbreak Briefing
Overview and Scrutiny
The Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) was scrutinised at this meeting. The Council has, during this very difficult time, maintained good levels of resources through prudent financial management.
18.01.2021: Lead Member Briefing
20.01.2021: Covid Outbreak Briefing
21.01.2021: Community Safety Catch Up
Member Briefing: Local Plan review
The Local Plan Review is a vital part of the Council’s business and until finalised is highly confidential.
26.01.2021: Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
Quite a lot of debate about an application in Kinver – which was approved by the Committee.
Also approved was an application to station a shipping container at Baggeridge Country Park for use by Breathing Space Therapeutic Services. BSTS offer support for children and young adults with mental health and emotional needs. In these uncertain times mental health issues amongst the younger generation is a very grave concern so to support such an undertaking now is more important than ever.
27.01.2021: Covid Outbreak Briefing
28.01.2021: Health and Safety Steering Group
Q3 Monitoring – Regulatory Services
Local Outbreak Control Group – South Staffordshire
Member Briefing: GDPR
01.02.2021: Lead Member Briefing
Locality 4 Forum
This was led By Dave Heywood (Chief Executive) and Brian Edwards (Leader of the Council). Dave gave an update on the Covid situation within the District. He gave details of testing and the vaccination rollout and also how the District Council is working during this period. As Dave and myself pointed out, we understand the frustrations of residents with regards to the fact that there are not more vaccination centres local to us but, unfortunately, these decisions are not ours to make. On a positive note, those residents who have been vaccinated have been complimentary about how they have been treated by the staff administering the vaccine. Despite the extra workload/ burdens placed upon staff, the PCC and County Council elections will be going ahead in May. Unless there is new legislation Council meetings – including Parish- which have been conducted virtually will no longer be permitted as the current legislation ends on 06.05.2021. Lorraine Fowkes is having to look for alternative options. Hopefully, there may be some Government input to extend the legislation temporarily due to the current situation. The Boundary Commission is undertaking a review of the boundaries and therefore District Councillor numbers, too.
02.02.2021: Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
(I did attempt to join the Wellbeing Select Committee . My previous meeting overlapped this but unfortunately the Select Committee finished early because the invited speakers did not attend !)
03.02.2021: Covid Outbreak Briefing
04.02.2021: Community Safety Update
Attended by Cllr. Roger Lees, Maggie Quinn and Chief Inspector Dave Wain. I have invited CI Wain to attend a Parish Council meeting – TBA.
Can I just take this opportunity to remind everyone that although there is now “light at the end of the tunnel” with the rollout of vaccinations please still adhere to the restrictions and remember HANDS FACE SPACE
January report – Philip Davis Member for Perton Dippons
January 12th. I joined a virtual meeting led by James Howse. The subject was RPP.Resource Planning and Prioritisation.
This is part of the Council budget setting process for 2020-21
January 26th, I joined the Planning committee meeting as a non-participant.
January 28th GDPR training presentation by Lorraine Fowkes.
January 28th, I spent several hours with a Kingswood resident removing litter and other rubbish from Kingswood Common and surrounding area. This locality has been particularly abused by visitors during lockdown. Following this the A41 was also cleared of one large sack of rubbish. Most of the litter here appears to have been thrown from passing traffic. Not by residents or pedestrians.
I have enquired into the possibility of a surveillance camera being used at Kingswood because bulk rubbish appears to being dumped in the area on a regular basis.
February 4th, I took part in a virtual meeting together with SSDC officers and other members of the Asset Scrutiny Panel. The officers provided updates on the progress of various projects including the Codsall Hub.
Feb 4th.Following on from the above meeting I joined a virtual meeting of the “Your Council Challenge Panel” A report referring to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England was presented by SSDC Director Legal and Governance Lorraine Fowkes.
January report – Anthony Bourke Member for Perton East
12th Jan 2021 Members Update RPP (Resource Planning and Prioritisation). This meeting was to update members on the financial budget for 2021/22 and to give an insight into the financial challenges ahead. The full detailed budget is to be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Meeting on 19th January 2021.
13th Jan 2021 Members Update regarding the Code of Conduct. This was a refresher for Councillors as at the time of the meeting no fundamental changes to the Code has taken place.
14th Jan 2021 Standards and Resources Committee Meeting. The main focus of this meeting was to discuss the District Councils Workforce Employment Trends report. This was an excellent meeting with very detailed data regarding the Councils employment trends for the municipal year ending March 2020.
14th Jan 2021 Members update regarding Infrastructure. This is the second of the sessions to update members on a number of schemes happening within South Staffordshire that are being undertaken by external companies/agencies.
19th Jan 2021 Overview and Scrutiny meeting. This meeting was to scrutinise the Medium Term Financial Plan. The council has managed to maintain high levels of reserves which have been helped, in part, by the profits being made on green waste collections.
21st Jan 2021 Member update – Local Plan Review. This was an update on the Districts new Local Plan. This meeting was confidential and works towards the plan’s future public consultation.
1st Feb 2021 Locality 4 Briefing Session. The leader and Chief Executive of the District Council gave updates on Coronavirus in respect of testing and Vaccine distribution. We were also informed that the current legislation regarding virtual Council meetings is due to end on 6th May. As of yet, there are no plans to extend this legislation so Councils, including Parish, may have to start holding meetings in person.
The Boundary Commission are currently reviewing ward boundaries and District Councillor Numbers. I have been selected to complete an Councillor Journal to log my Council duties for week commencing 1st February. This will be an interesting process as the review of some other District Councils has resulted in a reduction in the number of District Co