Full Council
meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams
Contact the Parish Council for a copy of this agenda
Minutes of the meeting of Perton Parish Council
held on Monday 8th March 2021, 7.00pm
Meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
The meeting was recorded and will be deleted once minutes are approved.
Councillors Mrs PA Allen (Chairman), D Glynn (Vice- Chairman), AA Bourke, R Bradley, N Caine, P Davis, Mrs L Dew, K Elder, Mrs R Heseltine, Mrs A James, J Sherlock, J Turner, Mrs B Walters , Ms S Wilkes
Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
Admin Assistant Mrs L Higgins
Members of the public – One
PCSO S Fryer (part of meeting)
A member of the public explained their idea of an easter egg hunt in and around the playing fields and lower lake. The Chairman informed the resident that permission had been granted by the Chairman of the Playing Fields Committee and SSDC had been approached and was waiting for their response.
Apologies received and noted for Cllrs Mr P Davis and Mrs R Heseltine
A written report received from PCSO S Fryer was accepted for information and a copy attached to these minutes.
The option for installation of a camera at several locations was discussed. District Council to be approached with this request.
The following declarations were made:
• Item 151/20 SPCA subscription – Cllr N Caine
• Item 157/20 a) Civic Centre Room Hire Charges – Cllrs N Caine, D Glynn
No requests for dispensation received.
149/20 – MINUTES
a) Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th February 2021 were a true and correct record.
b) Noted for information the minutes of the following committees:
• Management Committee held 17th February 2021
• Human Resources Committee held on 25th February 2021
• Finance Committee meeting held on 2nd March 2021
150/20 – FINANCE
a) Paid Expenditure Transactions between 01/02/21 and 28/02/2021
Tn No. Cheque Gross Details
4266 DDWebsite02 £30.00 Kalidescope Website & email hosting/maintenance
4267 DDAsh02 £125.47 Ash Waste Services General & recycle waste
4268 BacsBT01 £120.00 Connect Pages Advertising
4269 BacsIR02 £2,598.41 Inland Revenue Tax & NI – January
4270 BacsPen02 £3,186.86 Staffordshire County Pension Fund Pension – January
4271 BacsBT02 £87.00 British Telecom BT Onebill
4272 BacsElec01 £109.79 Npower Business Electricity supply 4th Jan to 27th Jan
4273 DDbGas01 £699.57 Contract Natural Gas Ltd Gas supply: January
4274 BacsBPay £178.80 Brightpay Payroll Licence 21/22
4275 BaccSalaryM1 £10,416.86 Salaries Month 11 (February)
4276 BacsCO-OP Bank £400.00 Village Crafts Activity Bags – knitting & Crochet
4277 BacsRICOH3101 £214.37 Ricoh Rental charges for copies 1 Nov to 31 Jan
4278 BacsSSDCHRS £2,808.00 South Staffordshire Council HR Services – Investigation & hearing
4279 DDbDMR02 £169.87 Siemens Qtrly lease Feb to April
4280 Re-imbuseBH £136.10 BJX Business Group Ltd Activity Bags – Construction kit
4281 Re-imbuseBH £48.23 My Post Office Activity Bags – Metal sharpeners
4282 Re-imbuseBH £19.94 Model Rail Market Activity Bags – Jigsaw puzzles
4283 Re-imbuseBH £503.26 David S Sales Activity Bags – Painting/Puzzle books
4284 BacsTWOoP Bank £233.00 The Works Activity Bags – Jigsaws & Colouring pencils
Total £22, 085.53
b) Cash book received and noted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
c) Income statement received and noted for information.
d) Expenditure and budget to date received and noted for information.
Resolved to approve the annual subscription for 2021/22 at a cost of £763.00
Resolved to approve the concessionary room hire rate to the Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Diabetic Eye Screening Programme.
a) A written report from County Councillor AK James was distributed prior to the meeting. Copy attached to these minutes.
b) There was no further update on the Wrottesley Park Road Signage. A Planning application has been submitted for properties in Cranmoor which may influence additional signage at this location.
c) Land owners for the flooded field have been in contact with the Parish Council. Resolved to arrange a site meeting when possible.
a) District Councillor written reports previously distributed from Cllrs P Davis and Mrs R Heseltine were noted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
Cllr Caine – verbal report
He is still seeing officers from District Council on Microsoft Teams and face to face socially distanced. The main problem is still the rats at the upper Lake. District Council are doing what they can.
Potholes and street lighting are continually being reported.
Cllr AA Bourke – verbal report
Full Council meeting where main item was budget forecast. District Council increasing each household by £5 annually. Green waste charge should only be cost neutral but to date a minimum of £800k will be raised in this financial year. Councillors to lobby for either concessions or cost cuts.
Every 5 year plan shows the reserves being used, but the actual always shows no deficit but an increase in reserve. District Councillors will monitor this.
Cllr Mrs P Allen – verbal report
Boundary review being completed at the moment. Councillors being asked to look at reducing the number of District Councillors and where ward lines should be drawn. This could have an impact on the number representing each parish.
b) Various crushed brick paths need attention by the District Council. Around the lower Lake especially. Andy Aston and Ryan Taylor from District Council to confirm timescales for remedial work to be completed. Requested additional paths across the playing fields.
The pavilion will host elections this year. A large lump of concrete that leads into the pavillion which needs removing, this will hamper disabled access. Perton Playing Fields Committee requesting that District Council look at this.
Penk meadow crushed brick path has been removed during the flooding and the bricks underneath have come loose and are now being kicked around. Flooding has caused a lot of problem with the bank and the path. A tree blocking the Penk needs attention.
The Chairman to speak to District Council regarding several issues in Penk Meadow.
c) South Staffordshire Council confirm that they would usually approve bye laws but a by law is only available if there is no other existing legal provision.
Weekly reports having previously been distributed were noted for information.
a) Resolved that the following policies be accepted with no amendments
I. Capability
II. Redundancy
III. Flexible Working
IV. Home Working
b) Resolved that the following policies were reviewed with no amendments
II. Risk Assessments, Assessment and Management and Policy Statement. These policies will be kept under constant review.
a) Resolved to approve the recommendations from the Management Committee that no increase be applied for Civic Centre room hire for 2021/22.
b) Resolved to approve the cost of £295 for the updated Legionella risk assessment.
c) Photographs of ‘Perton through the Seasons’ was discussed. There are plenty of good photographs on social media that could be used, but it was suggested that a competition could be run. Resolved to add to the next agenda for further discussion.
There are several avenues for gathering photographs.
d) A larger electronic display screen for the foyer was discussed. A television with a USB port could be used cheaper than a digital screen. Resolved to provide a budget of £300 for the clerk to research size and cost options. To investigate the possibility of local advertising on the screen
A report previously distributed was accepted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
Keep Britain Tidy are going ahead with an event 28th May – 13th June, ‘The Great British Tidy up’. PC could use this opportunity to recruit more volunteers to support the existing volunteers. Encourage people in their own localities or where they walk regularly. Suggested the Great Perton Tidy Up could be promoted through a Volunteer Day. Further litter pickers will need to be purchased.
An opportunity for a councillor to consider joining the Local Academy Council at Perton Primary Academy. Resolved the Clerk has contact information if required.
The fund is open for applications. Suggested items could be for the allotments eg.compost toilet, building for community well being. Applications would need strong evidence and community consultation. The Clerk enquired about the skatepark but they confirm it was unlikely to be successful, There are already bids in for £3m, the fund has £10m over 5 years. Resolved Clerk to contact the fund to ascertain how long the fund will be open. Allotment Committee to discuss options further.
Resolved to hold the Annual Parish Meeting through Microsoft Teams. Also approve the suggested dates as previously distributed.
162/20 – DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING via Microsoft Teams
Monday 12th April 2021 at 7pm Full Council
Monday 26th April 2021 at 7pm – Annual Parish Meeting
In pursuance of the powers contained in section 1 of the above act, I move that the press and public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business about to be transacted is of a confidential nature and that publicity will be prejudicial to the public interest
163/20 – STAFFING
a) A letter of resignation has been received and accepted from the Assistant Clerk after 27 years of service.
b) Resolved that the office re-structuring and remuneration to be delegated to the HR Committee.
c) Following discussion, it was Resolved the Clerks appraisal, previously distributed, be trialled. Feedback to be considered by the HR Committee once completed.
Meeting closed at 9.18pm
Crime & Disorder Implications Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998
Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………
Agenda item 150/20 b)
Financial Summary – Cashbook
Summary between 01/04/20 and 31/01/21 inclusive.
Balances at the start of the year
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £602.91
HSBC Current Account £10719.54
Petty Cash Accounts £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £130,000.00
Total £141,572.45
RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £230,618.98 £0.00 £230,618.98
Civic Centre £34,922.97 £0.00 £34,922.97
Total Receipts £265,541.95 £0.00 £265,541.95
PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross
Parish Council £151,242.41 £4,943.71 £156,186.12
Civic Centre £106,545.62 £2,951.34 £109,496.96
Total Payments £257,788.03 £7,895.05 £265,683.08
Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £3,791.35
HSBC Current Account £7,389.97
Petty Cash Account £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £130,000.00
Total £141,431.32
Uncleared and unpresented effects -£3,022.37
Statement Closing Balances
Ordinary Accounts
Co-operative Bank £3,791.35
HSBC Current Account £10,412.34
Petty Cash Account £250.00
Public Sector Deposit Fund £130,000.00
Total £144,453.69
Agenda item 153/20 a)
Report from County Councillor AK James SCC member for Perton Division
The County Council Highways have noted the requests to carry out pothole repairs in Perton particularly on Gainsborough Drive and have recognised other areas of Perton requiring attention, some repairs are attended to on the diameters of the potholes which is a longstanding issue when there are in the vicinity.
Climate Change funding has given grants to the Parish Council for equipment and also to Perton Primary School for Shades to combat glare from sunshine in their playground. There is a further application from Perton First School for funding that is being processed. I have supported all of these applications.
A request to have mud removed from the A41 road at Kingswood has been received from Cllr. Phil Davis. I have passed this to County Highways for attention .
The traffic speeds at Bridgnorth road affecting horse riders crossing to the Bridle path there is under review by residents to report any incidents there that may occur.
Flooding at Dippons Lane is an issue that involves drainage from fields on private land and I am waiting for the County Council and Severn Trent to define the responsibility for resolution.
Agenda item 154/20 a)
March report – Mrs Rita Heseltine Member for Perton Lakeside
Since the last Parish Council meeting I have attended the following:
09.02.2021 Cabinet
Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
10.02.2021 CoVid Outbreak Briefing
15.02.2021 Lead Member Briefing
16.02.2021 Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
17.02.2021 CoVid Outbreak Briefing
23.02.2021 Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
Full Council
24.02.2021 CoVid Outbreak Briefing
Member Briefing- Gypsies, Travellers, Travelling Show people
25.02.2021 Local Outbreak Control Group – South Staffordshire
Lottery Advisory Panel
01.03.2021 Lead Member Briefing
02.03.2021 Informal Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Board
03.03.2021 CoVid Outbreak Briefing
Chief Executive/Leader Member Briefing
04.03.2021 Community Safety Update/Catch Up
Staffordshire Health & Wellbeing Board
05.03.2021 Locality 4 Members- Boundary Review
March report – Philip Davis Member for Perton Dippons
Feb 23rd Virtual full Council meeting
Feb 24th Virtual meeting of the challenge panel to discuss the Electoral review of South Staffordshire.
Feb 24th I attended a virtual Local Plan review which featured a presentation by Steve Jarman of Opinion Research Services.
The company are specialists in planning and all aspects of Gypsy and Traveller sites throughout the UK. In Perton we have no current or proposed traveller sites and it was very enlightening to hear of the situations that are arising in a number of villages in the District concerning such sites.
One figure quoted that South Staffordshire may require 144 pitches for travellers by 2037.Some eye-opening facts were disclosed.
Along with residents I am pleased to say that we are continuing the tidy up at Kingswood Common and are hopeful of the damaged barrier at the entrance to the common being replaced in the near future.
Feb 25th I received an email from a resident concerning the parking of cars at the entrance to the Natural Burial Ground .Cars parked on the grass verge adjacent to the Burial Ground are preventing pedestrians from socially distancing .I have spoken to PCSO Ashley and he will monitor the situation and give advice as necessary. If the problem persists I intend to escalate it to Enforcement or Chief Inspector. Dave Wain.
Agenda item 158/20
Environmental Report
12 Months ago, Perton Parish Council, Support Staffordshire, The Church at Perton, Perton Library and others were getting ready for Perton’s first Volunteers Day which we had decided to link with Support Staffordshire’s Locality Forum which was to be held at The Church at Perton on Wednesday 11th March 2020. Perton Parish Council provided financial support towards the purchase of a pop up, a banner and a sandwich lunch, and The Church at Perton offered the free use of the Church for the event.
The Locality Forum aimed to highlight local good practice in volunteering and promote opportunities for volunteering locally. The Forum was well attended, with lively discussion but the momentum to build on the event afterwards was frustrated by the first COVID-19 lockdown a few of days later.
Now that COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to ease we should be begin to rekindle promoting volunteering in Perton again, and in particular focus on recruiting volunteers towards a bigger and better Great Perton Spring Clean in association with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean scheduled for 28 May to 13 June this year.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is litter everywhere in Perton currently. It’s time we spring cleaned our community.
Keith Elder – Parish Councillor, Lakeside Ward
1st March 2021
Litter picking – COVID-19 guidance – Current guidance until 8th March 2021
Following the government’s announcement of a national lockdown, we continue to be asked to stay at home. Stricter and legally enforceable rules on outdoor activity are still in place. There are prescribed reasons for being outdoors, which do include provision of voluntary and charitable services and for the purposes of exercise (but only once a day).
However, it’s not clear from the government’s guidance whether volunteer litter picking, would be covered by either of these criteria. Therefore, taking a precautionary approach, we are asking all our volunteers to pause any organised litter picking events until further notice. Should you choose to pick up litter on your daily exercise, please ensure you do so safely and, in line with the latest government guidance, you should only undertake outdoor exercise as an individual, with one other person or with members of your own household/support bubble, while maintaining social distancing at all times.
Updated guidance announced 22nd February 2021
On the 22nd February, the government presented its ‘roadmap out of lockdown’.
Guidance from 8th March 2021
According to the roadmap, from the 8th March 2021, people will be allowed to leave home for recreation and exercise outdoors with their household or support bubble, or with one person from outside their household.
In line with this guidance, from the 8th March, Keep Britain Tidy is happy to once again support litter picking activities carried out alone, with members of your household (or support bubble), or with one other person from a different household.
Guidance from 29th March 2021
According to the roadmap, outdoor gatherings of up to six people (the rule of six) or two households will be allowed. In line with this guidance, from the 29th March, we are happy to once again support litter picking activity in small groups of up to six volunteers, or two households.
The existing hygiene and social distancing measures should continue to be followed.
If you have any coronavirus symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has had symptoms please follow government guidelines, stay at home and don’t undertake any volunteering activity.
Please note: Government guidance on the lockdown may tighten or ease over time so please contact us if you have any questions about what is safe practice. This guidance may be superseded by any subsequent changes in government legislation and/or guidance. Please continue to monitor the guidance and any local restrictions that may come into force subsequent to the issue of this document.