Full Council
meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams
Contact the Parish Council for a copy of this agenda
Minutes of the meeting of Perton Parish Council held on Monday 14th September 2020, 7.00pm
Meeting held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Members were informed that the meeting would be recorded and deleted once minutes were approved.
Councillors Mrs PA Allen (Chairman), D Glynn (Vice- Chairman) (arrived 7.17pm), AA Bourke, R Bradley, N
Caine, P Davis, Mrs L Dew, K Elder, Mrs R Heseltine, Mrs A James, C Rathbone, J Sherlock, J Turner (arrived 7.40pm)
Parish Clerk Mrs B Hodgetts
Admin Assistant Mrs L Higgins
Members of the public – None
A resident raised the poor condition of the anti-skid surface at the chicane in Severn Drive. The issue has been reported to Staffordshire County Council Reference no. 4211675. Additional highways issues were raised by councillors. The Clerk will invite representatives from Staffordshire County Council to attend a meeting to discuss the concerns. Pothole reports to be copied to the Clerk.
7.10 pm Chairman imposed standing orders.
Apologies were received and noted for Councillor Mrs B Walters.
Resolved to change the order of the agenda for Items 38/20 CHRISTMAS FAIR COMMITTEE & 39/20 REMEMBRANCE SERVICE 2020 as per standing order 10 a) vi.
It was explained to the Council that the Christmas Fair was going to be cancelled for December 2020 due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Unfortunately, the Christmas Fair Committee would find it difficult to fund the installation of the lights in Anders Square and on the Christmas tree. It was resolved that the Parish Council would underwrite the cost incurred for this year. Clerk to confirm that this can be covered by the Parish Council insurance policy.
Rev. Julia Cody advised that the service this year will be delivered differently due to current restrictions. The proposal is to invite one representative from each organisation that lay a wreath and live stream the service. The public will be encouraged to pay their respects throughout the week.
A written report received from PCSO A Tooth was accepted for information and a copy attached to these minutes.
Speedwatch was discussed and it was agreed that additional volunteers are required.
Cllr N Caine declared an interest in the payment to Staffordshire Parish Council’s Association.
No requests for dispensation received.
31/20 – MINUTES
a) Resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th July 2020, previously distributed, were a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
b) Noted for information the minutes of the Management Committee Meeting held on 13th July 2020, previously distributed.
32/20 – FINANCE
List of payments made since the last Parish Council meeting, together with the Income Statement for July & August 2020 and budget to date were received for information.
Paid Expenditure Transactions 01/07/20 and 31/07/20 Cheque Paid date Tn no Gross Details
DDbASH 31/07/20 4058 £124.63 Ash Waste Services General & recycle waste
DDbRates07 31/07/20 4059 £1,435.00 South Staffordshire Council Rates – July
DDbWebsite07 31/07/20 4060 £30.00 Kalidescope Website & email hosting/maint
BacsATD 31/07/20 4061 £2,740.00 Attention To Detail Redecorate Lakeside Hall
BacsDtE06 31/07/20 4062 £108.00 Down to Earth Grass cutting – playground
ReimburseRH 31/07/20 4063 £84.90 The Great Outdoor Gym Co. Surface Sanitiser
ReimburseRH 31/07/20 4064 £70.00 Wickes Building Supplies Paint – Centre refurb
ReimburseRH 31/07/20 4065 £25.18 Home & Motorsave Paint – Centre refurb
ReimburseRH 31/07/20 4066 £45.98 Home & Motorsave Paint – Centre refurb
BacsHalls 31/07/20 4067 £79.77 Halls SMS Hand sanitiser – Pouches/botts
BacsHalls 31/07/20 4068 £21.05 Halls SMS Virabact specialist cleaner
BacsHalls 31/07/20 4069 £141.11 Halls SMS Hand sanitiser – Pouches/botts
BacsMrsHaq 31/07/20 4070 £150.00 Refunded Deposit 05.09.20 Function Cancelled
BacsH&S 31/07/20 4071 £300.00 John Ellis Associates Qtrly H&S consulltancy
BacsNAS 31/07/20 4072 £66.00 National Allotment Society Membership renewal
DDbGas06 31/07/20 4073 £84.70 Contract Natural Gas Ltd Gas supply:
BacsBT06 31/07/20 4074 £93.13 British Telecom BT OneBill
BacsBPC 31/07/20 4075 – 4077 £31.32 Brightpay 3 x Monthly Connect usage
BacsIR07 31/07/20 4078 £2,406.76 Inland Revenue Tax & NI – June
BacsPen07 31/07/20 4079 £3,041.68 Staffordshire County Pension Pension – June
BacsKRN 31/07/20 4080 £207.93 Kingswood Road Nuseries Hanging Baskets
BacsKT 31/07/20 4081 £750.00 Kingswood Trust Grant
DDbElec 31/07/20 4082 £366.96 Npower Business Electricity 29 May to 25 June
ReimburseRB2 31/07/20 4083 £182.95 Amazon Lighting fittings for LSH
ReimburseRB2 31/07/20 4084 £1.20 Amazon Screws for Notice board
BacsKalHost 31/07/20 4085 £100.00 Kalidescope Website domain renewal
BacsSalaryM04 31/07/20 4086 £9,142.94 Salaries Month 04
4086 1,048.35 Members Allowance Month 04
PCTop-up 31/07/20 4087 – 4110 £220.95 Petty Cash Items Various
Covid-19 31/07/20 4111 £500.00 Kingsway Food Bank Donation
Covid-19 31/07/20 4112 £17.90 Community Volunteer Reimbursed shopping
31/07/20 4113 £29.99 Community Volunteer Reimbursed shopping
Total £23,648.38
Paid Expenditure Transactions 01/08/20 and 31/08/20
Cheque Paid date
Tn no Gross Details
DDbASH 31/08/20 4114 £124.63 Ash Waste Services General & recycle waste
DDbRates08 31/08/20 4115 £1,435.00 South Staffordshire Council Rates – August
DDbWebsite0 31/08/20 4116 £30.00 Kalidescope Website & email hosting/maint
BacsGOG 31/08/20 4117 £1,044.00 The Great Outdoor Gym Co Maintenance of Gym
BacsHalls 31/08/20 4118 £28.40 Halls SMS Washroom supplies
BacsTPI 31/08/20 4119 £180.00 The Play Inspection Co Outdoor annual inspection
BacsLP 31/08/20 4120 £120.00 Refunded Deposit Cancellation room bookings
BacsUnitty 31/08/20 4121 £2,415.60 Unitty Supply & install 7 radiators
BacsDtE07 31/08/20 4122 £216.00 Down to Earth – Grass cutting Playground 2 visitis
BacsSPCA 31/08/20 4123 £50.00 Staffs Parish Councils Assoc Training
BacsAADR 31/08/20 4124 £3,264.00 A.A. Direct Refurb Limited New susp ceiling & lighting
BacsRHReimb 31/08/20 4125 £26.94 First Aid 4 Less Sharps bin/Distancing tape
BacsRHReimb 31/08/20 4126 £23.82 Safety Signs 4 Less Fire exit arrow luminescent
BacsRHReimb 31/08/20 4127 £30.00 Brandon Hire Station Hire of submersible pump
BacsRHReimb 31/08/20 4128 £31.46 Lighting Direct 1 x Wall light & bulb for LSH
BacsRHReimb 31/08/20 4129 £181.40 Lighting Direct 9 x Wall light & bulb for LSH
BacsPen08 31/08/20 4130 £2,995.80 Staffordshire County Pension – July
BacsIR08 31/08/20 4131 £2,437.86 Inland Revenue Tax & NI – July
BacsBT07 31/08/20 4132 £92.76 British Telecom BT OneBill
BacsSPCA 31/08/20 4133 £40.00 Staffs Parish Councils Assoc Training – Accessible Doc
BacsRHReimb2 31/08/20 4134 £37.98 Screwfix Direct Bulbs for LSH lamp
BacsAdlec 31/08/20 4135 £120.00 Adlec Electrical Services Install 8 wall lights
BacsSPS 31/08/20 4136 £350.00 Staffordshire Property Serv Window unit replaced kitchen
BacsRHP 31/08/20 4137 £270.00 Ros Howard Psychologist Counselling sessions
BacsBP 31/08/20 4138 £90.08 Brightpay Connect usage 9mths
AmazonCredit 31/08/20 4139 -£182.95 Amazon Contra 4083,Lighting fittings
AmazonCredit 31/08/20 4140 -£35.99 Amazon Returned Orbital Sander
DDbDMR 31/08/20 4141 £169.87 Siemens Qtrly Lease Drinks Machine
DDbElec 31/08/20 4142 £689.64 Npower Business Electricity 26 June-3 Aug
BacsYPC 31/08/20 4143 £92.34 Your Printer Cartridge Co 2 Laser Cartridge
BacsRicoh 31/08/20 4144 £216.02 Ricoh Rental & charges May to July
BacsAmazon 31/08/20 4145 £1.90 Amazon Countersunk bolts for window
BacsESPO 31/08/20 4146 £61.09 ESPO Stationery/cleaning materials
BacsSalaryM05 31/08/20 4147 £9,159.09 Salaries Month 05
4147 1,050.75 Members Allowance Month 05
Total £26,857.49
a) Report from County Councillor was received for information.
b) There was a discussion on the requirement of a sign for the crossing of Wrottesley Park Road at the entrance to Bluebell Walk, it was resolved that the Parish Council would support the request for caution signage to be installed by Staffordshire County Council. It was agreed that signage is a short term solution and it may require a proper crossing point. Further measures for Wrottesley Park Road were discussed. Clerk to contact the County Councillor in the first instance.
a) District Councillor written reports were accepted for information, copy attached to these minutes.
Additional comments reported; more robust signage required for the feeding of birds and no fishing signs to discourage rats around the area. 6 Bait boxes are in place but they have to be mindful of animals and children tampering with them.
The Boundary Review is looking at whether the structure of the council remains the same or becomes a unitary council. There are also new planning regulations coming through. There was a decrease in fly tipping for August, there was a difference of opinion in the efficiency of Street Scene.
Various dog fouling signage has been displayed around the area.
b) Flooding/Lake desilting update information was received. The flooding in Perton is a complex matter and affects 209 properties. Both small and large scale solutions are required. The Parish Council needs to continually question the effectiveness of the solutions. The clerk to collate any additional areas that are known to flood.
£500 from the flood fund has been distributed to affected properties by SSDC. Resolved to accept the report previously distributed and highlight the issues to the residents in the free magazines. It was queried whether the Parish Council could hold a supply of sandbags. Agreed to look at this in the future.
c) Naming of the roads in Wrottesley Park Road development needs to be considered. If councillors have suggestions, please contact the Clerk. It was suggested to have associated names with the airfield or Princess Irene Regiment.
d) BT Payphone Kiosk in Anders Square and on the Parkway are under consultation for removal. The Parish Council have submitted their objections. Resolved to inform the residents in the free magazine.
e) Rat issue around the Upper Lake and Play Area was discussed under the District Council report. Resolved to arrange a meeting with a representative from District Council to discuss options.
Weekly reports having previously been distributed were noted for information.
Resolved to defer this until next year.
Resolved to become a member at a cost of £25 per annum.
Resolved to defer this item to the next meeting with a new proposal.
Resolved to purchase grass strimmer to remove weeds around Perton. The Village Show Committee may be able to help with cost up to £100. Resolved to approve the purchase of a petrol strimmer.
None of the stones belong to the Parish Council so would therefore need to be discussed with residents. There may be space in the central area in one of the overgrown beds, the Parish Council will need to liaise with the District Council. There is approximately 134 metres and would need to be cemented in and covered with a protective layer, and residents would need to be given the opportunity to repaint some of the stones due to fading before they are permanently sited. Resolved to ask for a photographer to enable a photographic record before it is moved. Clerk to ask on social media in the first instance.
Resolved to purchase ID Badges for each Parish Councillor, clerk to obtain costs.
Monday 12th October 2020 at 7.00pm
Crime & Disorder Implications Section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998
Where relevant any decisions made at the Parish Council meeting have taken this duty of care into consideration.
Meeting closed at 9.27pm
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………… Chairman
Agenda item 28/20
Public bodies can only disclose information if they have the power to do so. Section 115 of the Crime and
Disorder Act provides a power to exchange information where disclosure is necessary to support the local Crime Reduction Strategy and Partnership in achieving the aims of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy and objectives outlined within it.
The degree of disclosure that takes place must be proportionate and relevant to the level of social ill or criminality it is intended to counter or prevent.
The information is only to be processed in relation to crime and disorder purposes. Information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and any other relevant legislation governing disclosures and will ultimately be disposed of in a secure manner.
• Main headlines since the last meeting:
• We have FIVE burglaries, ONE entry was gained into property but nothing taken TWO were shed breaks where numerous items were taken, ONE break entry gained car key / car was taken from a property, finally a business property was broken into.
• THREE Thefts, property from a room in a care home stolen, batteries from an Open Reach cabinet
taken and money from a female’s purse stolen by daughter.
• Four Criminal Damage, damage to Sainsburys ATM machine, Sainsburys, your move and C&L foods windows,
• We have had TWO vehicles damaged one had a window broken, the second a car had paint stripper thrown over it.
• SEVENTEEN calls these include neighbour disputes youth and adult related issues, drugs and nuisance vehicles.
1. Male who caused the damage to the shops and Sainsburys was arrested and remanded.
2. Perton has still been part of OP which targets ASB
3. Speed checks have been completed by myself and Sian on the Parkway advisory letters to be sent out.
4. Any questions that haven’t been covered please drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can?
PCSO 16722 Ashley Tooth
Agenda item 34/20a
District Councillor’s Report – Rita Heseltine. (Lakeside Ward) 14.09.2020 Although August is traditionally the month when there are fewer meetings that doesn’t seem to have been the case this year! Since the last Parish Council meeting I have attended the following:
17.07.2020: Informal Cabinet
20.07.2020 Lead Member Briefing
21.07.2020 Informal Cabinet
Special Council
Planning Committee
22.07.2020 Member Briefing Session: Boundary Commission
27.07.2020 Test & Trace
Community Recovery Plan Committee
28.07.2020 Informal Cabinet
Overview & Scrutiny
29.07.2020 Local Outbreak Control Board
03.08.2020 Lead Member Briefing
Test &Trace
06.08.2020 Steering Group
11.08.2020 Cabinet
Local Outbreak Control Group
Special Council
24.08.2020 Community Recovery Plan Committee
26.08.2020 Local Outbreak Control Group
01.09.2020 Q1 Budget Monitoring
03.09.2020 Staffordshire Health & Wellbeing Board
08.09.2020 Informal Cabinet
Full Council
09.09.2020 Seisdon CCG Board Meeting
Local Outbreak Control Board
14.09.2020 Lead Member Briefing
Test & Trace
I have also continued to liaise with the District Council re; issues with rats. Issues occur with the placement of bait boxes as there has to be an awareness of and consideration given to safety aspects. They cannot be placed where children or pets could gain access. Part of the rat problem is due to people feeding bread to the geese and ducks even though it has been constantly highlighted that bread causes damage to the geese (angel wing). What the waterfowl do not eat is consumed by the rats – you can often see them sunbathing under the boardwalk. Rats are clever and will soon find easy food sources. I think that more robust signage which points out the dangers of feeding bread is required around the Upper Lake. ( If my dog had been on an extending lead last week there would have been at least 1 less rat!)
I had been concerned about the state of the land around the Pear & Partridge – overgrown grass, dilapidated advertising boards, stacked broken /damaged outdoor furniture and piles of uncollected bags at the mini re-cycling centre. This was giving an awful impression of the village. After speaking to Becky we liaised with the brewery and on being notified of our concerns they acted very quickly to rectify the issues. We will continue to liaise.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank ALL of the Civic Centre staff for their hard work and dedication. The administration staff have kept things running smoothly and efficiently – despite some challenging issues with the building- and everyone else has worked to make the Civic Centre look the best it has for quite a few years. Our aim is to promote the Civic Centre as an excellent venue and I think that with the new decoration, lighting and tasteful furniture in the foyer and the offices this can easily be achieved.
Philip Davis Member for Perton Dippons
Monthly Report
Since my last report I have attended the following and carried out various other tasks as shown.
July 14th virtual environmental health briefing
July 15th individual Teams training with ICT officer
July 16th virtual meeting of Friends of Perton Library
July 19th maintenance of the south traffic island with Councillor Heseltine and Councillor Rathbone together with a Perton resident we collected 16 bags of weeds. The bags were removed the following day by our excellent Street scene Team.
July 21st, I attended a virtual meeting held by the SSDC Chairman. The purpose of this was to approve the appointment of the Director of Legal and Governance.
July 22nd a virtual meeting with Boundary commission representatives took place.
July 26th More maintenance of the South Traffic island with Councillor Heseltine and a village resident.
July 28th, I attended a virtual Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
July 30th, I attended a virtual Asset Scrutiny Panel meeting.
August 2nd Litter picking Kingswood Common. Despite new bins and signage being provided by SSDC the area has an ongoing litter problem.
I recently had a conversation with Lorraine Fowkes (Director of Legal and Governance) re the possibility of introducing a by law encompassing the erection of for sale boards and the parking of cars etc on the Parkway verges. Unfortunately, because there is already a provision in place to help enforce this problem namely the enforcement team, Government would not consider such a move. However, the localities team are investigating other ways to help. My concern is what could happen next. Will we have pop up shops?
On August 23rd a resident informed me of the appearance of scrap tyres on the boundary of Kingswood Common this is due to a broken boundary fence on the Adventure Centre property. Officers at SSDC have requested the removal of the tyres from the common.
I have approached Officers at SSDC regarding the condition of the footpath from the A41 boarder with Wolverhampton. They have in turn approached Staffordshire County Council
to get the work done. It is mainly perennial weeds, but they are very unsightly and in complete contrast to the Wolverhampton side of the A41.