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Perton Jubilee Garden Allotments

Perton Parish Council allotments are situated near to the Mount Golf & Country Club, Wrottesley Park Road, Perton WV6 7HL

There are 8 raised beds, 32 quarter plots and 45 half plots.

Reasons to have an allotment:

Know where your food comes from

These days it’s all too easy to visit the local supermarket for our fruit and veg needs. But often this produce comes from half way across the world and may have been intensively farmed. Growing your own produce means you know the food you are eating.

Save money – grow your own

It does not cost much to have an allotment and you also save on your weekly shop. The cost of seeds is minimal and so the main effort in growing produce on an allotment is your time.

Meet new people

Allotments are a great way to meet like-minded people. With people of all ages and from all walks of life you are bound to make friends with your allotment neighbours! Sharing produce and sharing tips and experiences of allotments can help everyone make the most of their plot.

Teach children where their food comes from

Many children have no association with farming and horticulture – allotments allow children to get back in touch with where their food comes from and get their hands dirty. They might even surprise you and eat vegetables they didn’t think they liked! Why not give children their own space on the allotment?

Reduce food waste

Only grow the produce you will eat – and share with your neighbours. Allowing vegetables and fruit to stay on the plant means you can harvest when you need them and reduce waste from bulk-buying from the supermarket.

Make habitats for wildlife

Owning an allotment plot allows you to cut your carbon footprint by growing your own as well as making fantastic habitats for wildlife such as robins, hedgehogs, frogs and bumblebees. Allotments are a great habitat for a range of wildlife and your plot can be a great place to get up close views of wildlife. By growing organically, you can also reduce the amount of pesticides entering the soil which has a profound effect on the number of helpful insects which can improve growing conditions in the long run.

Keep fit

Spending half an hour a day digging, raking or mowing can burn between 120 and 165 calories per activity. If you are not a gym goer or not keen on jogging, an allotment can be a great chance to get fit as well as growing your own healthy produce which will encourage you to eat healthily. It’s also good for your mental wellbeing too.

Local community greenspace

Allotment gardens are part of the wider community and a great place to come together. You can also share a plot with neighbours, family or friends if you are short of time.

How to apply for an allotment plot. There is currently a waiting list, but If you wish to be added to the waiting list please complete the form below and email to